I was reading a piece out of the NY Post this morning. They say (I assume they aren't lying)....that the administration kinda lost contact with several thousand unaccompanied illegal immigrant kids.
You remember them....the ones released from fed custody.
For some reason, HHS went and tried to make 14,600 phonecalls....to check on those released kids. What HHS said....around 4,900 were NOT answered by the kid or the parent, or the sponsor.
In a real world situation, you'd call up the cops and ask them to check on the kids. Here? Nothing much has happened.
Why? Well....I would go and speculate that if you had the cops called, and they showed up.....something 'freaky' or weird would be in the mix, and this would be one of those five-page police reports (sounding more like a Hemmingway novel).
You'd find that sponsor 'Hernandez' probably wasn't the real name for the person who signed for the kid....that they left Arizona two days after they signed for the kid....and indications exist that the 12-year old kid is now working sixty hours a week for some grocery store in Louisiana.
You might even find a dozen cases where a 15-year old showed up...pretending to be 30 years old, and signed for four kids who aren't even relatives of his.