A House of Representatives member (Democrat John Delaney of Maryland) wants to offer up a $1,500 'bonus', if you'd just go and take the Covid-19 vaccination.
You and your wife? $3,000.
He says we need a incentive to 'force' people along the way.
I sat and paused over this idea.
The fact that we don't require an ID for voting....probably suggests that the same requirement would exist for the Covid vaccination. So 'Marty' would show up....maybe up his address and fake name...getting the vaccination and a week later....getting the $1,500 in the mail
After day or two.....'Marty' would think....why not go and give an alias name, same address, and get a second vaccination, with a second $1,500.
The next day, 'Marty would think, why not go and get a 3rd vaccination and $1,500 check.
At the end of 30 days, 'Marty' has accomplished 30 vaccinations and collected $45,000 from the government.
For the second month....'Marty' decides two vaccinations' are now possible...collecting $90,000 for the month.
For the third month, 'Marty' has divided the day into four visits, and is getting 120 vaccinations for the month, and gets $180,00 for month.
'Marty' starts to have a reaction by the middle of the 4th month, and ends up at some highly classified military hospital in Nevada. He won't provide any data or facts....over 220-plus vaccinations that he's had in the past four months. Scientists connected to the hospital fear that the two known shots that he's had....are leading to some serious medical condition called 'Covid-maximus'.
This idea of paying people? Why not go to the next level and just pay folks $1,500 for doing nothing illegal for twelve months?