Thursday, 7 October 2021

French Talk with Kerry

 This is the video of French journalists talking to John Kerry over the Aussie sub deal.

19 minute interview.  At some point, they want Kerry to explain how he met with President Biden.  So Kerry says that Biden couldn't understand the whole issue.  

Then Kerry says.....Biden didn't know anything about the deal.  For about 30 seconds, Kerry is basically saying that Biden was totally in the dark, and never told anything until the deal was 'done'.  

At that point, Kerry realizes he has said something that will shake the French, and the rest of Europe....Biden sold nuke subs but knew nothing about what was going on.

After this?  It's kinda funny....the French leadership will stand and talk about the interview this weekend.  Future discussions?  Why talk to Biden?  He's obviously not in charge.  

The remaining 3 years with Biden?  He's just a 'living statue'.....not a actual figure. You don't need to drag the guy into problems....he can't do much for resolutions.  

If you were looking for a reason to downsize the importance of NATO....this is probably a good starting point.  

Ten Things Biden Could Do To Improve His Popularity

 1.  Announce he's doing the Caitlyn Jenner-Trans-Operation.  

2  Announce that for the past four years, he's been under the influence of hallucinatory drugs prescribed by a fake doctor in Delaware, and he's fairly shocked to learn he's President of the United States.    

3.  Announce that he's also discovered he has artistic talents like Hunter, painting a good bit, and ready to sell each of his one-hundred paintings.

4.  Announce that he's going to fire Doctor year.  

5.  Announce he's going to bring Donald Trump onto the White House team to be a personal adviser to Biden himself.

6.  Announce he's bringing in an elephant as his 'new' pet for the White House.

7.  Announce that he's bringing in a Haitian Lwa (Haitian witch doctor female) to cast away evil spirits left in the White House by demon Trump.  She will be permanently staying in the residence because of the heavy demon spell left on the facility.

8.  Announce that he's been having a secret affair for 30 years with some 1980s TV show gal, although admitting that all they do is sip coffee and sniff each others hair.

9.  Announce that he's not woke enough.  So he's bringing in a team of woke enthusiasts to the White House, to make himself super-woke.

10.  Announce that he's too super-woke, and looking for a safe space....yet continue to serve as President.  

Temperature Story

 There was a science study done by some PhD guys (I'd recommend a read)....which has to do with guys who like chilly temperatures, and women who prefer tropical temperatures. 

After a fair amount of survey, the PhD folks agreed....guys (even males in the animal world) prefer more chilly temperatures.  Something in our genetics?  Well...they didn't go that far.

I'm a 'October-guy'....meaning I prefer the normal 45-to-55 degree temperatures.  Anything over 85 degrees?  It's a problem.

But after reading the piece....I'm what?  Knowing this science stuff and doesn't really change much of anything. 

Observations: 7 Oct 2021

 1.  On the far west side of Atlanta is the town of Douglasville.  In the past year (starting in March) or so....letters began to be received by seven families....all with threatening comments.  All were blacks.....the letters confessed to be a local KKK-member.  

This went on for a while, then stopped (for six months).  Cops did a lot of investigation but got nowhere.  So in early September.....letters start back up.  This time....the person screwed up and police came to arrest the gal involved.....she was black, and obviously not a KKK-member.

Charges?  Pretty serious. Eight counts of making a terror threat.  Unless she finds some gifted prosecutor to help bail her out, I'd be guessing at least a year or two in prison.  

What'd she get out of the mess?  Hard to say.  

2.  Present approval rate of Joe Biden?  38-percent. 

Looking forward to January (1-year point), and probably at least two more screw-ups in that just have to feel sorry for the guy.  For 2021 so far, there just isn't any great slam-dunk to which you can talk about.  

3.  Remember those California students who had gone to Afghanistan for a school-trip?  Well....they are still Afghanistan.  Nothing much mentioned by the White House.  You'd think it'd be a great opportunity to get Delta Force or the Seals involved, and yank those kids back to California.

4.  Finally, some story has come out suggesting a fake studio setting for President Biden has been built.  It's made to look like his office but is just a studio on the WH grounds, with big-screen TVs for script-reading.  Don't know what they spent to build this....using DC rates....has to be over $200k for 'set-design'.