Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Ten Things Likely To Come By The End Of 2022

 1.  As classes start back up this month (August)....at least 250,000 kids are likely missing and on home-schooling.  Primary reason?  Pronouns, marginal instructors, and propagandized schools.  Roughly 10,500 teachers (mostly in grade-schools) will be let go.  The only places recruiting for the 10,500?  Mostly urbanized areas with rough neighborhoods....where the pronoun teachers won't last long.

2.  Liz Cheney ends up at CNN as a round-table 'guest' similar to Fox's Five.  No one takes her serious.

3.  Latino vote in the mid-term shifting to Republican candidates, and shocking the leadership of the Democratic Party.

4.  Brittney Griner, WNBA player held in Russia.....will be traded and arrive back in the US....to be interviewed countless times about her appreciation of President Biden's efforts.  

5.  Someone will invent something called the Biden-Index....to reflect the true economy and true recession. It'll be considered the least reliable index to project current conditions of the nation.  

6.  Twitter court action reaches a stage where the judge suggests to Twitter that Elon holds a 'ace' or two, and either you lessen the purchase price (probably going from $44-billion down to $34-billion), or drop the case entirely.  A massive court case starts up by stock-holders...against the board/CEO.  

7.  Joe Biden will be diagnosed with Covid-Brain-Fog by the end of 2022.  A discussion ensues....whether he's fogged-up too much to be President, or just marginally fogged-up (he can't do math problems for example).

8.  3,000 Russian conscripts arrive after five days of boot-camp at the 'front' in the Ukraine.....with 90-percent of them dead by the end of 2022.  

9.  At least ten gentlemen from CNN (journalists) will have Monkey-pox before the end of 2022.

10.  At least two European governments will 'collapse' by the end of 2022....requiring new elections (besides Italy).