Saturday, 16 September 2023

Three Things That Went 'South'

 1.  Once all this entanglement stuff with legal cases came up on just got his name out in the public eye, and traumatized the public to be distrusting even  more of the DoJ, the FBI and various prosecution teams.  

It was the worst thing possible to dream up and start....hoping that he' stumble and fall because of witty lawyers.

2.  Hunter Biden buying a gun?  Here's a guy with 'real' Secret Service protection.....doing crack/cocaine (he even admits that) and signs some stupid document at the gun shop to say he's clean.

He never had a single logical reason for a gun. 

3.  This G-20 chatter about a 'digital ID'.....strongly resembles the Covid vax ID business.  

The odds of people accepting this?  It goes down dramatically once you figure this angle. 

This Maslow BS

 Back in the late 1970s....I had a Air Force room-mate who'd gotten into some college class, and he had some book which got heavily into Maslow's hierarchy of needs.  At the end of the class, he gave me the book and I browsed this Maslow stuff.  

Lets just say....I came off a farm in Alabama,  and at this point....I was 'uneducated' (holding just a high school diploma).

In simple chatter....a human being prioritizes things....whether he grasps this or not.  In the tribal game, you want security, food, and general shelter from bad climate. 

 After a while, you add layers of desires, and you keep prioritizing.  

In the modern era? prioritize soft toilet paper, the type of soap in your bathroom, the amount of heat in the bathroom, and the quality of the towel hanging there. 

Your car?  You prioritize there.....asking for heated seats, or declining them.  You ask for the bigger engine....the satellite radio, and literally a hundred options.

I suppose that you even start to prioritize the news you hear.....the politics that keeps you up at night....preferring premium beer over cheap beer....buying  the more expensive motor oil over the cheap stuff....maybe even your preference over tunes.  

The thing....isn't life about prioritizing.....a thousand things a day?  And the key factor.....two-percent of folks don't give a damn about any prioritizing, and another two-percent over-dramatize life so much....that every second is about a priority over something?

I'm not sure if this Maslow stuff deserves 300 pages to explain, but it's just me speaking.

Can You Be Non-Schizophrenic And Hear Voices?

 Well.....yeah, but it tends to fit into special group of factors.

Example: under a severe lack of sleep.....say over an entire week....less than 10 hours of might think you are hearing voices.

Example: under some pretty traumatic life might have developed severe PTSD/stress, and you might think you are hearing voices.

Example: under starvation conditions (like a prisoner of war situation) might think you are hearing voices.

Example: there are plenty of recreational drugs now existing.....where you might trip out and think you are hearing voices.

So, here's the odd factor.  You could walk around and find twenty-odd people a day who admit some type of voice in their head, and it's unconnected to schizophrenia.  Course, with the recreational drug might go back two or three times a week....regularly.....hearing Elvis talk about global warming, or hearing Captain Kangaroo lecture you about washing your hands, or hear Adolph Hitler's voice (in English) talking over some demon stuff.  

If you thought schizophrenia was something to worry about....sorry, but I just made this worry a bit bigger in scale. 

Polling Chatter

 State by state polling done by Reuters (just awful early in my humble opinion).

Biden versus Trump.  Trump passes 312 Electoral Votes.

Accurate?  Well....AZ, with corrective matters on voting day procedures....yeah, it probably goes to Trump.

Hawaii?  I'd suggest a lot of frustration  building up over Maui and fed help.  You might find some shift going on for the Trump team there.

What'll happen now?  I'm willing to say that the DNC folks will gather up and discuss how they play October to December, and whether it's time to push Biden out and allow five or six to suddenly enter the primary in January.  Yeah, both Harris and Newsom would be in the mix (with RFK Jr).  

So the big problem....all this negative effort by the news media.....having failed to limit Trump?  Yeah, and in some've limited the profit potential of the NY Times, the WaPo, and CNN.  

Reuters allowing this to be a hot topic?  That's the odd doesn't make a lot of sense for a pro-Democrat news  organization to feed this to the public. 

A Trust Issue


I saw this in the AM in the mass media...over the years.

Early 1970s....people  leaning over to be Republican....were 60 to 70 percent on trust.  By was down to 14 percent.

For independent folks by 2022?  27 percent.

It was in the middle of the 1st Bush term, that I felt the 'system' had gone south, and it was involving print-media (newspapers, Newsweak, Nat'l Geographic, etc).  Once you got to 2012 and social media was in full-swing.....that decline was being noted as well.

The Covid era?  It just ramped up.  Even if you were watching some regional news....the Channel 8 'squad' felt that the theme/brand was cranked-up to be fake.

I can't really watch the NBC Today-Show today....without feeling a element of mistrust.  CNN?  I have to mute things on a continual basis.  Trying to rea USA-Today?  I just want to pull out a red-marker and highlight BS commentary.  

I'm at the point of asking.....why would I spend 50-cents on some crappy newspaper?  Why would I waste thirty minutes watching some bogus local news that I need to mute on occasion.  

Dissolving of trust?  It's at a all-time level.  I would imagine the money-guys for the major networks are discussing the lack of viewers, and how salary levels can't escalate any longer (cuts have to come).  The day of CNN being sold to some Mexican media company?  I  kinda expect it to happen any day now.  

Extending to sports?  Well....yeah.  The NFL and NBA have done enough to trigger a decline in viewership.  Same development going on for MLB. 

Where things will be in 2030?  It's an  interesting thing to ask.

Vax Stuff

Yeah, this idea has been on my mind for a while, and Boaz summed it up well.

The flu vax being a sure-fire solution?, you can't really say that.  For all those military years where I was mandated to have the flu vax each most of those years, I still had a flu episode.  Oddly, in the two decades after that period, where I absolutely did NOT take the flu vax....I might have had a light case of a 24-hour flu bug....maybe twice.  

There's probably something else to the Covid vax business, but we will never know the rest of the story.