Saturday 16 September 2023

Three Things That Went 'South'

 1.  Once all this entanglement stuff with legal cases came up on just got his name out in the public eye, and traumatized the public to be distrusting even  more of the DoJ, the FBI and various prosecution teams.  

It was the worst thing possible to dream up and start....hoping that he' stumble and fall because of witty lawyers.

2.  Hunter Biden buying a gun?  Here's a guy with 'real' Secret Service protection.....doing crack/cocaine (he even admits that) and signs some stupid document at the gun shop to say he's clean.

He never had a single logical reason for a gun. 

3.  This G-20 chatter about a 'digital ID'.....strongly resembles the Covid vax ID business.  

The odds of people accepting this?  It goes down dramatically once you figure this angle. 

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

I bet they don't tell anybody, just let it start...
* welfare and SocSec : "Our system says you need a different identity for your food/cash/meds.... nothing I can do, you need to go to the bureaucrats [indifferent shrug]"
* at the bank or credit union : "Apparently, your old identity is on the Fritz... [indifferent shrug]"
* truckers buying diesel : "Garsh, this says you need a new identity before you can drive home... [cashier dragged outside for 'attitude adjustment']"