Saturday 16 September 2023

Polling Chatter

 State by state polling done by Reuters (just awful early in my humble opinion).

Biden versus Trump.  Trump passes 312 Electoral Votes.

Accurate?  Well....AZ, with corrective matters on voting day procedures....yeah, it probably goes to Trump.

Hawaii?  I'd suggest a lot of frustration  building up over Maui and fed help.  You might find some shift going on for the Trump team there.

What'll happen now?  I'm willing to say that the DNC folks will gather up and discuss how they play October to December, and whether it's time to push Biden out and allow five or six to suddenly enter the primary in January.  Yeah, both Harris and Newsom would be in the mix (with RFK Jr).  

So the big problem....all this negative effort by the news media.....having failed to limit Trump?  Yeah, and in some've limited the profit potential of the NY Times, the WaPo, and CNN.  

Reuters allowing this to be a hot topic?  That's the odd doesn't make a lot of sense for a pro-Democrat news  organization to feed this to the public. 

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