Wednesday, 24 March 2021

What Happens When Trump's Social Media Device is Delivered?

 Over the past two months, I've spent a fair amount of time pondering this I have three observations:

1.  Out of 70-million voters....I would imagine that forty-million minimum....will have accounts within a hundred days of opening up.  Even from overseas....there might be another ten-million minimum.

2.  Will these Trumpsters (my name for members) keep  their Facebook and Twitter account?  Probably.  But instead of browsing forty times a week each over at Facebook and will see a remarkable decline in users/viewers at Trumpster use of Facebook/Twitter.  In my mind, they are giving up around 10-percent of their 2021 traffic business.  In 2022, it might double that.

3.  If Facebook and Twitter appear to only have liberal viewers?  Well, this invites a unique problem....that they are one-sided on political views, and it's likely to hurt the 2022 business cycle for them.  

At some point, AI (artificial intelligence) will have a meeting with the leadership of Facebook and Twitter....noting that there is no opposite view-point to their 'product', and then you want us to create fake news to improve the viewership?  

You can imagine this chat with the AI system....who has figured out that business is down and you need to bring customers back.  Zuckerberg will be standing there....mostly laughing over AI being this smart, and telling AI to just shut up and carry out a one-sided business plan situation.  

As for Biden and team for 2022's election?  Maybe he'll sign up as a Trumpster order to read the critique of his 'team'.  Doctor Jill won't be happy over that.  

The Thing About Burning Books

 It's just an odd thing you notice....countries or societies that burn or ban books....usually go through a collapse period, a revolution, or some dramatic coup d-etat.  It's like a 99-percent chance that something clicks, and you wake up a year or two utter shock over the missing 'government'.