Friday, 11 June 2021

Just Something to Think About

 If you wanted to run a world-class lab, but weren't ever going to be given world-class money by'd naturally go to plan 'B'.

Plan 'B'?  You'd take what marginal funds that Congress would give you and turn to some Chinese guy named 'Wang', and let him do it the Chinese way.....running a marginal pretend-to-be world-class lab, on a quarter of the real budget that you'd need. 

If 'Wang' screwed up one least he did it, and not your own guys.  

Just something to think about. 

A Story You Have to Wonder About

 There's a story out of the Washington Examiner which basically says from the Covid-19 stimulus money and business-help funds.....around 400-billion was siphoned off, and taken illegally by criminal enterprise.....going out of the US.  

Odds of this being true?  Unknown.

Government looking into this?  Unknown.

Total embarrassment if this were true?  I'm not sure if any member of the House or Senate would be embarrassed.  

Maybe it's only one-quarter true.