There's a new term being thrown called 'nonconsenus realities'.
Basically, it's the hearing voices crowd, who are having hallucinations. They are asking for some type of reform to occur....where mental health folks/clinics.....uses a different approach in handling their 'problem' (they usually avoid saying they've got a problem).
I'm from the old crowd.....if you spoke up that you were seeing dragons flying around the farm, seeing Jesus hanging out at the gas station, or hearing the voice of Hitler through your got problems.
I'm against folks like this. If it makes them feel OK to hear George Steinbrenner's voice over the phone (he's been dead for 20 years) or to see a unicorn in the city park....fine, let the guy be.
But I see this 'nonconsenus' chatter leading back to the element of you wanting me to just accept you and trust you enough to be my bus-driver, or to handle my money at the bank....well....NO, that won't happen.
We are at this odd point in society, where hallucinations occur and some people think that society should 'approve' the hallucination situation and 'nod' our head.
In some ways, it's remarkable that this topic comes up.