Sunday, 2 June 2024

Seven Humble Thoughts

 1.  I think Trump will already have a nomination process in July, instead of the Convention itself, with the VP choice announced at the same time. 

2.  WNBA (women's league NBA)?  I don't think they will be around by 2030.  I would suggest a ABA-like replacement league existing shortly....most 6 to 8 clubs in the midwest....UNCONNECTED to the NBA, and without all the LGTBQ stuff of the WNBA.  These clubs will be able to get 15,000 fans nightly into the arenas, and have a streaming video contract.  

3.  A housing sales crisis in the DC area will start to exist in mid-2025....where a ton of people need to sell property, and they can't find buyers or banks willing to cover the loans. DC banks will take possession of the homes by early 2026....with over 10,000 homes in the middle of this 'mess'.

4.  A California draft law be presented in 2025....saying you can't sell a Coke or Pepsi (any sugar drink) to anyone under the age of 12.

5.  At least one-million Gaza people will reside in the US by the end of 2024.  A classified FBI report will suggest that at least 500 Hamas terrorists are within this group.

6.  Some shock poll will be released by late summer showing two out of three black voters in Chicago are now Trump-voters.

7.  Some journalists will uncover evidence of twenty-five Senators having paid out 'hush-money' to staff members since 2000.