Saturday 17 August 2024

Three Stupid Questions

 1.  Is this currently a Harris/Biden Presidency, or a Biden-Harris Presidency?  Or does it really not matter....neither is running things?

2.  If you asked most people.....the four guys on Mount Rushmore....are they Democrats or Republicans?  Most would not know. (All four were Republicans)

3.  If Harris loses in November....what job awaits her?  (California governor race?)

Just Seven Observations

 1.  When you go back and look at 'crowds' gathering for Biden campaign stops....there weren't that many people.  

Same trend  holding up for Harris 'crowds' (except that one in Vegas).  But there's various indicators to say that some were 'hired' (meaning.....paid to show).

Selling her extreme version of socialism is tough.

2.  I'll just say it....I think at least three states will have a serious problem in counting and certifying their vote....that they will fail to send Electoral College voters to the mid-December event.  

This will in turn....create a massive lawsuit (into the billions for each state).  

Some discussion in the spring of 2025 will occur over this failure,  and the necessity to punish states in the future if they are unable to carry out their chief function.  

3.  What is this 'Kammunism' stuff?

Some kind of friendly socialism that seems to sell a nifty brand of Venezuela-like that 'might' work in the US.  

4.  If some guy has been talking for three minutes about a topic, and clearly to you....nothing really fits or makes might want to hit 'mute'.

5.  In case you failed to really watch all the Batman movies....his name comes from the fact that he has a fear of bats.  

6.  Just walking around each day....I have to admit I am now constantly assessing people's IQ levels, and it's now become an obsession. 

7.  Assembling all the war data with the Ukraine and Russia.....I'd say that presently....there will not be a winner in this episode....both lose two decades of economic growth. 

My Observations Over This Price Controls Promise By VP Harris

 1. in the statement, there is no end-point in the Harris'd just go on and on.

2.  A lot of people have noticed price controls were the way that Venezuela collapsed into crap.

3. Draw a circle within 20, you probably have 20 grocery operations (if you are the average American). 

In 2 years, inventory the least five to seven grocery units will have closed. Profit is likely to be cited.

4.  Would Costco get some kind of exemption because they aren't a regular grocery?

5. Will this only cover certain products?

6.  Who is the figure running the price controls?

7.  If price controls over groceries are effective....why not price controls over baseball tickets, airline trips, gas, electricity, hardware, whiskey/beer, and even income taxes?

The more I think about price controls....the less I trust the government to effectively run the program.