Next week....the House Intelligence Committee subcommittee......on Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation, will have a meeting with the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security Ronald Moultrie and Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray.
Topic? UFOs.
First meeting of this type in 50 years.
What'll happen? More or less.....nothing.
Oh, the Pentagon folks will admit something is going on....just that it doesn't meet their logic 'test' and they can't suggest nothing.
The odds of a government project going on with connections leading back to some secret captured UFO or two? Most people suspect something like this is going on, to which the Pentagon absolutely can't openly discuss that.
My opinion? If you are Yorg-1 and Yorg-2.....coming light-years away (maybe taking sixteen years), and get zapped by one bolt of lightning to down your've got a pretty crappy plan 'A', a marginal spaceship, and were deserving to be caught/held by the Pentagon.
So I'm of the belief that there is a Yorg-1 and Yorg-2, and they've never been 'caught'. I'm also of the mind that both Yorgs are mostly AI creations with a programmed list of jobs to perform, and interacting with humans is on the low side of priorities.
As for the Pentagon guys? They've got tons of crapped-up programs to run....why mess with them on this issue? Maybe it's time to hand this some other government group (like FAA).