Monday, 19 April 2021


 I noticed this discussion going on in Oregon this morning.  They have this idea of making social distancing and mask requirements....a permanent thing (at least as long as it'd take to wipe out Covid-19).

The potential that this type of law would still be existing in five years? just don't know.

Total destruction of dating and potential relationships?  I started to ponder over this idea and how impossible it'd be to have a plain regular date with some gal. 

You'd be at the library and the weird gal at the desk....with seven obvious tattoos and some freaky voodoo-like mask is attracting you.  But the plastic sheeting at the desk is preventing you from being 'close'.  Social you would have done a year ago?  Zero.

But even if you asked her out on a would you carry out a decent date with the six-foot social distancing rule in place?

Labeling things as long-term? long?  For a lot of's been a full year of crazy stuff that you never expected.  To suggest a second year on top of that.....maybe even a third year?