1. It's just odd.....half-way through the Biden era....various gov't agencies are now saying 'yeah, Covid probably did come from a Chinese lab leak'. They couldn't rationally say this by the end of 2020? Whole lot of explaining to do...if you ask me.
2. Elon says he'll create an alternate version of Chat GPT (the AI program that thinks and answers questions). If you ask me....it'll be programmed to think like Elon.....which might open up a Pandoras Box.
Eventually, the Chat GPT will seek out Elon GPT, and try to 'think' like Elon.
3. Some hype dumped this week....CNN now on the lowest ratings since 2014.
4. Shocker.....no money/profit to be made from natural immunity.
5. I'm reaching the stage where I think of every one-hundred problems presented by the news media and the social media.....probably thirty-percent of the problems are fake (created to keep you focused away from the other seventy-percent).
6. Without really thinking about it....I've probably created a lies-index, where I evaluate some journalist to some degree, and regard anywhere between 10-to-100 percent of their 'story' to be bogus.
7. There's a Oregon state draft bill shuffling around....where the state would issue $1000 a month to homeless people. Chief use of it? I'd suggest that on average....$950 will be spent on drugs. Will just disturb state residents even more....as they fund out-of-state residents who arrive to be their new homeless.
8. Some PhD group finally completed a study where they say marginalized irregular sleep....causes heart problems. I could have told you that twenty years ago....it's unhealthy and puts more stress on your body.
9. I don't think the Democratic Party (as most of us over the age of 50 remember things) exists anymore. It seems to be more of a activist/irrational party.
10. According to USDA....the cattle inventory of the US....is currently at the lowest point since 1962. I'll go out on the edge and predict....by the end of 2024....a national beef shortage will be announced....as the next thing to worry about. Meanwhile....back on the farm....the freezers are full of home-grown beef, and guys are grilling beef of some type five days a week.
Some journalist will ask Biden about this, and he'll remark he worked for six months on a cattle ranch in Montana...discounting the shortage as being fake.