Wednesday, 8 January 2025

The Unfair Advantages In Life

 Back in 1980, I took a community college class in logic-101.  It was taught by a visiting Italian professor, who went through 30-odd exercises per evening class....that mostly geared you to exercise your mind....determine pluses/minuses, and come to the rational best guess decision.  Oddly, at the end of the semester....there was simply a class meeting with no test.  We had to discuss rational decisions and how best guesses guided you in life.

Yeah, it probably was the best college class I ever took, and had value for  my entire life.

I've probably used logic at least forty times a day....for most of my life. It simply makes sense.

Unfair advantage?  I saw this story today and thought about this for an hour.  

Even if you talked over logical decisions and trying to resolve problems....I'd assume 50-perent of people are prone to be anti-logic, and have a mindset to always make a poor decisions.  

Processing The 3 Canadian Territories Into The US?

 Up on the northern 'front'....lays the Yukon (bumping against Alaska), the Northwest Territory (in the middle) and on the right....Nunavut.

Populations?  Yukon  (46.7k), Nunavut (41k) and the Northwest Territory at 44.7k.

None of the three are big enough (population-wise) to be states....however, if  you bump  Greenland into a deal and offer them statehood (having only 55,000)'d have bump these three eventually (say in a dozen years) as states.

Processing all three as one individual state?  It makes more sense, but status-wise....I think all three would complain.

New States And Their Likely Names

 1.  British Columbia?  The original folks from the region....Squamish tribal folks....gave the name  K'emk'emeláy̓ which happens to mean "place of many maple trees".

K'emk'emeláy̓ would likely be used.

2.  Alberta likely stays Alberta.

3.  Saskatchewan would likely change....the Cree tribe used the name originally of  “Kisiskatchewanisipi”.

4.  Manitoba?  It would revert to a Cree tribal name of 'Manitou'.

5.  Ontario?  Skanadario....meaning sparkling the regional Indians.

6.  Quebec?  It stays Quebec....that was the original Indian word.

7.  New Brunswick?  The Indians didn't really have a name for the area, but when the first folks arrived in 1690.....they got to calling it Prigmore's Swamp....after a local guy who lived in the region.

Personally, I like Prigmore Swamp.

8. Novo Scotia?  Well....the Indians used “Mi'kma'ki”, and the French called it “Acadia”.  Either name would work.

9.   Newfoundland?   The Inuttitut/Inuktitut name was Ikkarumikluak, meaning "place of many shoals".  Would work fine.

10.  Prince Edward Island? Local Indians called Prince Edward Island “Abegweit”, which means “cradled in the waves”. 

I should also note that as French settlers came in....they called it “Île St-Jean”.  Isle  of Saint Jean.....would be a nifty state name.

Am I going too far?  No.

I'd make this a regional vote process.....put down two or three name options, and just let people  pick their choice.