Wednesday 14 April 2021

The Biden-Putin Summit?

 This Biden 'suggestion' for a summit with Russia's Putin?  Built to deescalate the Ukraine mess?

First, would Putin even agree to this?  Yes, without any doubt.

But what really happens?  As the first few minutes of this meeting occur and Biden or his 'team' utters how they hold the morale high-ground, and want Putin to step down a few steps.....Putin will step into the situation.

The various illegal affairs of Hunter and the Ukraine natural gas business?  All of that will be laid out in full detail (the KGB will have complete videos of the situations).  The tax avoidance by Hunter and how he 'paid' dad back?  That will be laid out in full detail.   

By the end of this 30-minute summary....Biden will get up and take the limo back to Air Force One.....leaving quietly with no statement.

The news media?  They are now stuck with the worst possible crisis of the past hundred years....all of their creation.  They can't tell the story....which is the sad part of this whole 'saga'.

So, whoever is pushing Biden's button to have this merely creating a scenario with serious consequences.  

How You Progress From a 1-Percent Threat to a 99-Percent Threat

Once upon a time, if you were a kid, you were given a set of circumstances, and basically told....your life is 99-percent safe.  It was a script-deal and you had to go way out beyond life's general situation' put yourself into mortal threat.

Then one day....there's some odd incident where a kid does something illegal and the police/prosecution folks basically overlook the episode.  At this moment, you progressed from a 1-percent threat a 2-percent threat level.

A month or two later....some guy is busted for selling drugs on school property, but charges are whittled down to a misdemeanor situation.  You move up to a 3-percent level.

As weeks, months and years pass.....different things occur.  Hijacking a car is ultra risky but you've figured out that even if the cops get you....the prosecution will only lodge marginal charges.  The fact that the lady in the car might have a pistol and shoot you?  In your risk haven't really calculated this.

So here in the 2021 era.....a 17-year-old kid is now on a risk situation of 80-to-90 percent.  

Even if pulled over by the Police and there's some warrant for an illegal gun.....the kid has the risk assessment that he might as well run....they won't fire upon him or make the effort to hold him down.  If you'd spoken of this type of risk assessment in 1975....most everyone would have corrected you and set you on a 1-percent behavioral level.

How you correct things at this point?  Unknown.  

I might even go and project out that within five least ten-thousand juveniles each year will meet an untimely end because of their threat assessment skills being so dismal.  More and more of them will start to carry weapons, and assess a confrontation with the police as a chance to gain 'respect'.   

Poll Story

 It's an interesting poll.....almost six out of ten blacks readily say that voter ID requirements aren't a big deal and they support them.

Personally, I would suggest that if you gathered up the six out of ten....almost all of them had time in the US military, and lived with both the military ID (required at least three to ten times a day to function), or the chow-hall card (you didn't get the free chow without it).

This was engrained into you by week three of boot-camp.  By this point, you'd memorized the stupid Social Security number (something you thought you'd never need).

Around by the last year of service (1999), I was probably pulling the military ID out a minimum of four times a day.  There were a minimum of forty situations where you weren't going to get service or attention.....without the ID being displayed.

If you weren't in the military?  I would imagine that you walk around or drive to work two-hundred days a year, and you might only get carded if you were cashing a check at the bank, or buying booze while looking sixteen.  Maybe if you were at the courthouse and getting car registration might show the ID.  Maybe if you were at the pharmacy and buying serious narcotic drugs.....they might card you there.  Course, if you were flying out of the local airport....they'd card you there. 

But added to this.....probably ten-percent of people have had a fake ID at some point (usually at age 16, or in college) buy booze.  So some of us....see the whole ID thing as a joke because of the fake usage.