Maybe it's not openly discussed, but if you reviewed the world situation, there's around two-dozen countries which are either at civil war currently, about to engage upon civil war, or are a couple of years away from the event.
Right now in Spain, in the northeastern's safe to say that twenty-five percent of the public would like to move onto a civil war if they can't disconnect their region from Spain.
Since WW II....if you went and analyzed countries across the globe, there's been over 200 civil wars to occur.
In some areas of Mexico, if you talked to the working guy on the street....he'd tell you that the drug cartels have created enough of a problem that civil war would almost be welcomed as it'd bring some type of change.
Some Greeks would tell you that they've simply avoided civil war by agreeing to argue, but not get confrontational or violent. So for the past forty years, they argue on a constant basis, drink some ouzo, and in the morning....get up fresh, and start back to arguing in a polite way.
Events in the US? I can name twenty cities now that BLM/Antifa 'troops' roam, and locals are in some thinking pattern over whether to stay or leave. In a city like Seattle, if 20-percent of the real money-makers up and leave....the budget and city operations would go into freefall. In Minneapolis, a fair number of the business operations which were burnt to the ground....haven't rebuilt, and their leveled sites will just remain there as 'monuments' to the looting/chaos.
Generally, you recognize a civil war by five characteristics (my humble list): (1) you fear for your safety in a public setting, (2) some opposing group which shows violent tendencies have a 'uniform' and a 'flag', (3) there is consumption of city/state resources/funding to 'protect' you, (4) a propaganda 'mill' is at work and obvious to the common citizen, and (5) ethnic/regional groups are 'drafted' to form up on this side or in support of this 'mission'.
CBS news said two weeks ago that five million Americans in 2020....bought weapons for the first time in their life.
As of the last week of October, 17-million weapons had been sold. If you were a gun shop owner, there's virtually NO way that you'd be going out of business.
Even in Portland itself....the home of so many riots and protests....local purchases are at high point.
Joe Biden as the guy to save us from the civil war? No one seems to be able believe in this idea. But in the same rational thinking....I kinda doubt that Donald Trump can save us. The war is here, and now.
The next four years....from either Biden or Trump? It's a rough period, especially if you lived in DC, NY City, Philly or any of forty-odd urban regions.
So don't go and expect a lot from the future.