Thursday, 30 July 2020

Just Observations

1.  The CDC says (you can't doubt them): School age kids with the Coronavirus have a one in a million risk of dying.  The same kids, with regular flu, have a 5 to 10 times higher risk of dying.

I begs questions, but you just need to accept that fact.

Oh, and by the way....the same CDC says that for's a better chance you will die via suicide or drugs, than by Covid-19.

2.  Who actually called the police in Minneapolis on George Floyd, with the counterfeit $20 bill issue?  Originally, people thought the store owner called....but no, this was a teenage employee of the store, who noted that store protocol was to report such incidents.  The owner, after the death and riots....said that he would have NEVER called the police on the counterfeit $20 bill.

Some parts of the story never make sense, and it's better not to get to attached to the truth.

3.  The speed on which the Portland riot folks will cease their operation?  On 19 August, the Oregon public school system will re-open, and the bulk of riot folks who do hold jobs....MUST return to work.  My humble guess is that 30 to 50 percent of the protest folks will disappear at that point.

4. I had to sit and watch some Bill Gates commentary today that waiting 48 hours for Covid-19 test results was ridiculous.

If you walk around Europe, you can get the 6-to-8 hour test result deal done for around $250.  The 12 to 24 hour test?  In the $130 range. 

5.  Number of registered Republican voters in Nevada? Around 530k.  Number of Democratic voters in Nevada?  Around 624k.  All others? 460k roughly.  Totally different kind of race in 2020, without McMuffin.  The odds are heavily in favor of Nevada going from the Hillary column to the Trump column in 2020.