Thursday, 16 September 2021

'I Want to Save the World' Delusionary Syndrome

 For several years, this topic has been on my mind. 

In some ways, as Marvel arrived with their various movies.....with the environmentalists and far-fringe crowd....I believe a fair number of people have reached the point where they wake up each morning, and hype the idea in their mind....'I need to save the world'.  This delusion gets reconfirmed as you read the news of the day....hear such-and-such politician....then talk to your minister, your neighbor, or your weed/crack-dealer.

Everyone wants to be an 'Ironman'.

You've got Greta kids talking in this kids talking this way....generals in the Pentagon talking this way....even Hollywood types talking this way.

Across America, there must be 40-million people who are actively trying to save the world.  It's become their whole focus in life. 

This general at the Pentagon?  He just wanted to save the world, and it seemed to make perfect sense to him.  The problem is....there's probably over 300 people within the Pentagon with the same delusionary syndrome, and they might react in some way against the save the world as well.  

'Dog Crap' Left For Biden to Clean Up

 With all the dementia chatter and Afghanistan chatter....this week, President Biden was given an enormous amount of 'dog crap' to clean up, or just pretend it never occurred....with the General Milley episode.

He has four options:

1.  Do nothing and just hope things go away.  This might work until January 2023, when both the House/Senate flips over and it's GOP.  For that entire's hearing after hearing over what Milley did, how Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer are involved, and who in the NSA, CIA knew about Milley.

2.  Hope that Milley reaches some level of the Admiral Boorda situation.  

3.  Fire Milley, and just avoid hearings.

4.  Talk the Democrats into having hearings, and focus it all on poorly behaved military idiots.  

The problem here....each month that passes with no real action....gears up the mid-terms to be a bigger than average mess.

Added to this burden....if Milley believed Trump eventually became a problem and took away his nuke-power.....wouldn't the same logic occur with Biden?  If I were Biden.....something serious would have to occur (sooner than later).  

Turkish Coups Since 1960

 Well....the first was the 1960 coup d'etat, which took all of one single day, and revolved around 30 to 40 young officers.  Chief reason given?  Well....the PM was working up a 'deal' with Moscow.  In this episode, roughly 230-odd Generals were 'retired' along with 3,000 odd military officers.  Around 500 prosecutors and judges were also 'let go'.

Summer of 1962 attempted coup d'etat?  Failed.  This was an attempt to just say the military ran things better, and they wanted the politicians totally out of the picture.  The guy who lead this attempt?  Basically 'let go' and told to go home.

May of 1963 attempted coup d'etat?  Well....led by the same clown as the year prior.  This failed as well.  This time, the government brought the guy in....sentenced him to death, and was hung in 1964 after a court episode.

Spring of 1971 Military 'note' coup?  Well....the military generated a letter and basically said they were in charge.  It was felt this way would be bloodless (note, several hundred individuals were executed or killed in this coup by the end).

September of 1980 coup? was decided by the military that the country was politically out of control.  The chief of staff of the military took charge....running the country for 3 years.

The supposed 1993 coup?  This is argued a good bit.  There are probably a dozen events that occurred, which lead one to imagine a coup was underway but then other events suggest otherwise.  One element here....peace talks between the gov't and the PKK....which the military did not approve of.

The 1997 coup?  Well....the parliament was not sent home, so some folks argue this was not a real coup.  The actual government bosses?  They were sent home.  Anyone killed?  Most folks say 'no'.  

2016 Erdogan coup?  Well....this is the most unusual coup of all time.  There are elements of the military which had a planned coup in place....ready to go, and suddenly President Erdogan shocks everyone by knowing the entire plan.  Thousands of military arrested/detained, and coup ends in one single day.  Why no coup has occurred since then?  Mostly because people believe that Erdogan has certain people in place and report on activities of the military each single day.  

The attitude of the military in Turkey?  Politicians are a waste of need real authority without talking.  It would appear since 2016....that attitude has finally ended.  

Observations over the General Milley Episode

 1.  Once he decided that he would 'save' America....he went off his oath to the position he held.

2.  The chatter of the China telephone call?  If proven, on that alone....he can be stripped of rank and retirement.

3.  Taking control of the National Military Command Center?  Once this is laid out....I suspect the NMCC will be removed from the Pentagon entirely.

4.  Milley committing suicide by early 2022?  I'd give it better than 70-percent odds.  

5.  Chief question to be asked now of Milley....if he senses President Biden is out-of-control....will he also take power in that situation?  If I were Biden....this would be on my mind every single morning....wondering if Milley has taken control today or not.  

6.  The longer that Biden or the Democrats do nothing?  It creates an enormous wave to fire most of the military leadership in 2023 as the new House leadership (Republicans) arrive.  It wouldn't even shock me if a new strategy arrives where half the four-star generals are dismissed, and the new crowd are limited to three-star rank only.  

7.  A basic coup?  If you go back to the old history of Turkey....up until Erdogan....these military-general coups were common-place....always to 'save' Turkey from the evils of politics.  It's a carbon-copy of that era.  

8.  If Milley and the Democrats think this can just be survived? January of 2023.....things will have brewed enough that various House hearings will be held, with charges drawn up and Milley (probably with forty-odd officers within the Pentagon) will be drawn to hearings and face utter contempt.  

9.  Every member of the NMCC?  They basically have done enough crap to lose their clearances as a minimum.....if you were a person of authority....probably your career is finished entirely.

10.  So to House Speaker Pelosi.....the fact that Milley had various conversations with her....probably puts her days as the Speaker in jeopardy as well.  Fear sweeping around the Democrats in the House that this whole Milley-thing adds an unknown burden to their election campaigns in 2022?  Yeah, and I would suggest that some of them will ask for Pelosi to step down as speaker, and perhaps even resign from the House entirely.  

In simple've got some 5th-grader kid who pretended his way up to four-star general, and he has the maturity level of a 12-year old kid (at best).  

Teacher Story

 There's this story which has been brewing for a couple of days.  Basically....this Virginia literature teacher (guy, I would imagine late 20s/early 30s).....who made a public TikTok statment....that behavioral model used in Virginia schools....which stresses kid sit quietly in their seats and listen to the teacher in a respectful 'white culture'.

His argument?  That all this respect, quiet behavior....leads to 'white supremacy'. 

This discussion has triggered a fair amount of reaction in the district where the guy teaches.  

I sat for a while and tried to imagine how this discussion started up, and how this dimwit of a teacher got the right propaganda to believe the counter discussion.

His present value in the school system?  I'd question it, but here's the thing.....where is his alternate path in life, if he can't be a literature instructor in a school?  He's taken a one-way path in life and to retreat now?  He'd probably end up as a shift-boss at some burger enterprise.  

If kids don't sit quietly in the class, behave in a respectful way.....then you could cross off 50-percent of the goals for learning....for that one single year.  Repeat this over twelve years?  You'd have a kid who was marginally a 6th grader by the very end of twelve years.

This is a guy that I'd send off to the Baltimore school system, and let him simmer for two years.