Saturday, 12 March 2022


 1.  This outburst in court by Jussie Smollett?  I've watched the video clip three or four times now.  The guy acts like a 10-year old kid, and says a bunch of BS.  I'll predict he has a pretty rough time in county jail, and likely goes through some kind of mental break-down in the middle of this....ending up in jail-hospital situation. 

2.  People that held onto Russia ETFs?  Royally screwed.  These will never recover.

3.  Six West Point (Army) cadets overdose on some Fentanyl-laced cocaine.  All still alive, but I doubt that the Army will keep them within the university program.

4.  Russia's space station 'business'?  The only partner they will have in the future is China.  

5.  Journalist Luke Rosiak went and did a fair amount of research for his new book "Race to the Bottom: Uncovering the Secret Forces Destroying American Public Education."

The original angle?  He wanted to show how Covid screwed up education in America.  The problem?  The more he talked with became obvious that the decline going on....wasn't a Covid'd been going on for several decades.

Real literacy?  It's anyone's guess just how bad the situation is.