Wednesday 24 July 2024

Putting On My Nostradamus 'Hat

 So I'm giving you five predictions over the 13 July-Trump shooting:

1.  By the end of  least five FBI members who leak to Congress and the news media.  They will tell you of two shooters....the second unknown guy is connected to Antifa....that leadership within the FBI is forbidding further research into the Antifa guy....and that this Antifa guy has five interesting connections:    

    A.  Some news media group

    B. A Trump campaign guy who picks locations for rallys

    C. A FBI upper-level manager

    D. At least two Secret Service 'bosses' who handle scheduling.

    E.  At least one House member's (recently died) staff

2.  The shooting had nothing to do with the CIA.

3.  As these events in late August occur....the Antifa guy disappears (literally).

4.  Come January, the entire top level management group of the Secret Service is let-go.  

5.  The CIA/NSA/FBI mechanism in January will be given orders  to go after Antifa.  The full-load....seize money....grab people....seize assets via warrants/raid, and more than 300 Americans will be jailed on treason charges in 2025.

6.  Several investment companies will be given SEC warnings how they seem to be connected to the Antifa mechanism.  

7.  At least 500 FBI agents will be detailed on a full-time basis to counter Antifa in 2025.  

8.  All of these events will trigger a massive release of JFK and RFK murder files, briefly causing discomfort for both Republican and Democratic members.

9.  Treason charges will come up on at least ten American citizens who work for the US government in some capacity.  

Just Interesting

 Someone sat down and added up all the people who worked in the VP Harris office over the past 3.5 years.  They came to a number.  What they say is that 92-percent have COME and GONE....meaning they aren't there anymore.

They managed to track down a couple and asked point-blank....what triggered them to leave?

Response?  It typically went to the idea that  as a employee....they were trying to prepare their 'boss' for events, and the 'boss' didn't seem to be interested in preparing or doing the 'homework'.

In my Air Force years, I worked in a office where we had a Captain who just didn't want to waste time on preparation or trying to get ahead.  I questioned how he ever got into college or got a degree.  About a year into the experience....some Major asked me over the issues of the Captain (me being a NCO)....I responded that the guy needed to move on (meaning the Air Force dismissing him).  Four months passed, and the Captain had exit papers.  

It's a bad sign  for Harris.  Running for President and people  already knowing your management skills are this dismissal.  If she were to win in November.....she'd likely call up people for advice on picking cabinet members, and shocked to find out that of every seven people she offers a job to.....five of them just laugh and turn the job offer down.

So as we advance toward the Democratic Convention....I expect folks to bring up this problem,  and she's unable to get the nomination. 

Was Biden aware of this problem...going back to 2020?  I'm not sure. 

Just another funny story to add to 2024?  Well....yeah.  

Finally, what is interesting here.....8-percent of folks she hired in 2020.....are still around.  It would make me ask if they are working in Harris's best interest, or the interest of some lobby-group.

Just Stuff You Notice

 1.  I suspect if you walked the head of the FBI and Homeland Security into a room....asking how many rifles were fired on that Saturday afternoon at Trump's rally....neither want to admit a minimum of three, and possibly four.  

This question won't be ended....for at least six weeks.  The first shooter?  Dead.  The Secret Service Sniper?  The last shot.  The first shot or two?  It'll be labeled Mister Mystery-man (probably from the water tower).

Oh, and I'll go ahead and take a guess....mystery shooter?  He's a gov't figure, and he'll be found dead in some parking garage in Silver Springs, Maryland this weekend.

2.   Don't act shocked if the thrill factor for VP Harris drops like a rock over the next four weeks.

3.  If you asked on the odds of a second attempt on Trump?  I'd say'll fail as well, and there might even be a third attempt...failing as well.

How many Oswalds are prepared for this theater show?  Wouldn't shock me if there were forty Oswalds across the nation....mentally prepared for the 'purpose'.

And I'll just say each fails....Trump gains another two or three basis points in polls.

4.  What I think happened to Biden in Vegas for this medical emergency?

I suspect the Covid test was positive, and they (his own doctors) gave him some 'special' stuff, which was on top of his already heavily prepared medication, and he had some type of serious reaction.  Just guess....his blood pressure dropped big-time and they got real worried.

5.  Casings found at the rooftop?  Eight.  Secret Service sniper casings?  One.  PA patrol guy-sniper?  One casing.  So we can account for 10 shots now.  Recordings?  They suggest 11 shots fired. 

6.  Recording of communications of the Secret Service that day?  ZERO.  I found that much technology available, and on that day....ZERO.