1. Trump made the comment yesterday....the reasoning behind the necessity to have a weapon....is the "existence of evil".
Someone in the 1960s/1970s era probably wouldn't have made that comment. By the late 1990s....yeah, most of us would have suggested that, and in the past decade (particularly if you live around a metropolitan/urbanized city)....the thought is on your mind at least once a week.
You carry the pistol in the car because some nutcase at work might go 'unhinged' and need to be put-down. You carry the pistol in the car because some drugged-up 'crazy' might go 'unhinged' at the steak-house. You carry the pistol in the car because some guy might attempt to carjack you as you refuel on the way home. You keep a pistol in the kitchen because home invasion threats.
It didn't get that way overnight....it's the system that created the 'funnel' and it seems that the police, the abundance of laws, the refusal to use the laws, the prosecution system, and the jail solution can't resolve the path of where things are going.
2. Graduation party in West Virginia back on Wed night. Some 'nut' came in with a AR-15 and started firing shots. Some gal pushed out her pistol, and put the guy down. Odds of you hearing about the story? Probably only a 10-percent chance.
3. Learning to 'comply' in life....has its limits.
4. It is an odd situation to ponder....one idiot telling you that a 18-year-old's maturity is not sufficient to purchase/own a gun, but the same idiot telling that if a 12-year-old wanted gender-flipping, they are mature enough.
5. If you are trying to impersonate someone, or some culture, or some gender....at least make a serious attempt. If you come across like you are drugged-up or crazy....people take you as a joke.
6. The quote: 'Looks aren't everything' is actually handed down by the Greeks. Shocking....they figured this out probably 2,500 years ago.
7. There is some rumor going around that President Biden will create some path where stupid college debt folks will be given a $10,000 'gift', and forgiven of that debt.
Power to do so? Well....that's the question. Apparently the Democrats can't pass this via the House/Senate.
For all of you that paid your money, or those who found successful paths in life without college? You are basically screwed, and helping to pay that $10,000 debt for the idiot.