Lets just be'll be mostly the chatter (probably fifty to one-hundred pages, if we are lucky....five-hundred to seven-hundred if unlucky)....of mostly how the world is wrong....people are cruel...stamps cost too is non-nutritional.....Saturday Night Live hasn't been great since 1988....Madonna hasn't sung a great tune since the early 1990s....and vanilla is just an odd cake flavor.
Yeah, I don't really care to read crap like that for an hour....where I reach a stage of putting the manifesto down and admit the young adult was losing his/her gripe on reality.
The sad thing....over sixty journalists would readily read the hundred pages, and condense this down to a three-minute presentation and try hard to avoid saying this was the work of a insane person.
The FBI? I'm sure their manifesto department has three different guys reading a copy and will offer an hour of their humble opinion, and vouch....insane people write crappy material.
Just my two cents of humble thought.