Thursday, 23 June 2022


 1.  I noticed the state of Arizona passed a House measure (yet to be signed) that gives parents an 'account' of money for their kids education.  If you feel your school is crap, or loaded with woke-idiots?  You take your 'pot' of money to some private school deal.  

Unloading a bunch of kids from the public school system?  I would imagine around the least 10-percent of the kids by summer of 2023....will be farmed out to private deals, and the public schools start to drag in the new folks....the give them a exit-pass.  Then some state emergency starts to occur, with 200 woke-idiots walking around crying over their lost jobs.

2.  I watch a good bit of White House press conferences now.  Five years ago, it would have two hours a month.....I'm probably watching two hours a week now.

So this week....the new gal started off on some statement...saying that the President has plans to go off and solve gas prices.  Then that crazy guy from Fox some previous press said he had no ability to control gas prices.  So this 'deer-in-the-headlights' moment occurs.....probably 10 seconds of her realizing she screwed up.

I feel sorry for the gal....but this way out of her league.

3.  Why did Joe Biden step back away from the 1988 Presidential primary season?

Well....pretty serious accusations of being a liar, by the news media that existed at that time.

4.  The President's gas holiday getting passed in the House?

Some say that he can disconnect the gas tax himself.....some say the House/Senate has to agree.  Yesterday.....Pelosi said there's some serious debate required here, and it wouldn't pass....if the House gets the problem.  Yeah, pretty confusing.

5.  Rather odd....there's some Swedish environmental activists calling for an investigation into Greta Thunberg's relationship with a Russian 'front' directly funded (apparently) by the Russian foreign ministry for 3 years (2019-2021).

Did the Thunberg crowd realize the 'front' was fake and used for the Russians?  Hard to say.....I'm guessing they were pretty naive.

If true....does Greta disappear now?  Well....maybe.  But you'd have to go and ask about all these groups (Fridays for the Future, for example).

6.  There was a joke told by a Brit comedian at a comedy show.  Apparently, it's been turned into the police as a complaint.  The police have come to the comedian and asked for the text of the see if a 'crime' has been committed.  (yeah, no joke)

7.  Five things that schools don't teach any longer: how to have courage, persistence, handling failures, emotional handling of stress, and forgiveness.  

8.  The Brit military came out with a new assessment on the Russian military....this month is probably the peak of their success.  With more weapons arriving....August probably will be a start of a different path for the Russians.

9.  2018....the Germans were laughing a good bit over the Trump-chatter that they were hooked up to the Russians in a bad way. we are, and they have to admit on this one single topic.....Trump was 100-percent right.

10.  If you gaze over at WHO chatter....the head guy is now talking over the idea that Covid was an accidental release at a Wuhan lab.  Funny....two years of denial, and now it's basically agreed upon.

11.  Jury came back on a 2017 case....Time Square, NYC accident....driver drove deliberately into a crowd of people....killing one, and wounding a number of folks.  Not guilty, by reason of insanity.  

Yeah, we need to start evaluating people for see if they are nuts there it a 'red flag' for drivers licenses.

12.  Speaking on red flags....if the Brits had realized things in 1750....they would have quickly gone to red flag identification, and prevented all this revolution business from happening.

13.  Rational fear and irrational fear....often collide.  

14.  Once you start rationing or preventing free speech....fascism is just inches away.

15.  If you need some affirming of yourself or your probably are a loser in need of the company of other losers.

16.  CNN's Jeff Tobin made a comment: "There's a lot of right-wing terrorism in the country."

If so, where are the no-go areas?  

17.  When someone utters....'lets honor a little-person', it literally means they are talking about a 'kid'.