Wednesday 27 September 2023

Five Words You Probably Can't Utter Without Freaking Out Sensitive People

 1.  Homeless.  You can probably say houseless, or unsettled.  Trying to use the word 'outcast' or 'down-and-out'?  Just gets you in more trouble.

2.  Addict.  Someone will correct you and simply say that 'Joe' has a drug-abuse-disorder.  

3.  Exotic.  About half the people you meet today....if you were to use the word 'exotic'....would halt you and ask what exactly do you mean?  They would infer that old fashion 'exotic' is not today correct to use for new fashion 'exotic'.  

4.  Insane.  Yeah, you can't utter that phrase.  You can say 'that guy is gifted' but you can't say he's insane.  

5.  Hooligans.  Your definition of hooligans and the liberal mindset definition of hooligans....probably don't match up well.