I had a college professor once (mid-1980s) who spent forty-five minutes one night dwelling on rational thoughts and the need for rational decisions. It was basically a process where you had a 'defensive' mechanism to make sense of the world and it's complicated features.
In his structured discussion....the world had to have a much higher number of rational people, than irrational people. The rational people would ensure things ran the way they were advertised (like democracy, capitalism, food supply, McDonalds, the NFL, and beer).
Somewhere toward the end of this chatter....some idiot in the room asked what happens when the irrational folks were more in number. The response was....things would fall apart and nothing would make sense (like that group of topics....democracy, McDonalds, the NFL and beer).
2020 has been one of those years where I suspect the irrational crowd has grown, and flipped the system into a non-predictable situation. Rational people are now a minority.
When you walk into a room of forty people....you used to eyeball things and say 31 men and 9 women were in the room. Today, you have to figure trans and other oddball sexual groups into the 'eyeball-situation'. There might only be 22 men and 6 women in the room, with 12 other odd people.
You might walk into a gas station where some lady is talking about the demon in her car ('Marvin' is his name), and trying to engage in conversation with the gas station clerk.
You might be at some church where deacons are asking you for your electrical consumption over the past year, and the minister is talking more about your power-use habits, than saving your soul.
You might be attempting to 'spark' (southern slang for dating) with some gal who wants to know your credit score, debt situation, and property situation.....more than your personal habits, your dancing agility, or your favorite character on Bonanza.
You might be talking to your 21-year-old son, who recently graduated from college, and discover after a one-hour chat....the kid is as dumb as 'rocks' and you kinda wonder where the $88,000 in tuition you gave him went.
It's a mess to clean up, if this world turns more irrational, than rational.