Sunday, 8 January 2023


 One of my more favorite podcast folks is Dr Peterson.....the Canadian who dumps out tons of logical advice.

In the past week, if you follow Peterson....he got a registered letter.  The Canadian College of Psychologists of Ontario (they hold his official license) has said he has a problem involving social he needs to come to a re-education camp to straighten out his 'bad-boy' behavior (mostly over critical comments of the Trudeau kid who is the President of Canada). 

What this re-education 'camp' is about?  Basically, the crew of psychologists of Canada figure that he (Peterson) needs straightening out.  Yeah.....some sort of lecture deal.  No one has said if it's a half-day deal....two or thee days....etc.

Scott Adams of Dilbert fame.....thought about the event, and made up a new cartoon.....officially to be released at the end of January.   Adams lays out the chief issue here....maybe the Ontario group of psychologists....might themselves have a mental disorder.

I thought about this from a military intelligence prospective, in the way that you'd brain-wash or counter-brain-wash a 'prisoner'. 

Typically, the guy who is the boss of the brain-wash supposed to take the lead and not allow the prisoner to counter-process the session.  If you lose this prospective.....then the prisoner will counter-brain-wash you.  At this point, the crew (usually watching) has to call the guy into another room....get washer dude #2 prepped-up and send him into action.

My advice for the Ontario group of psychologists....if you did access to any of the Nazi guys left from might want to consult with them before you start things.  

Also, because of the vast amount of knowledge with Doc would be advised to figure a minimum of 15 days before he breaks down....with a minimum of five brain-wash 'bosses' necessary to keep the pressure on Peterson.

My advice?  I would suggest for the Ontario crew review five movies: Manchurian Candidate (1962), Sleeper (Woody Allen, 1973), Naked Gun (1988), Zoolander (2001), and the Bourne Identity (2002).  

I'd also crank up a plan 'B' if Peterson counter-brain-washes your crew, and you might need to look for North Korean experts.  


 1.  This past week, I probably watched or read through four hours of 'Prince-Harry' BS.  My conclusion at this point with all the Harry garbage uttered over his book?  He basically gave all the information required for a 4-star divorce lawyer to hang you out to 'dry'.  In simple terms.....once his lady ('M') reaches the point of dumping's all there in black and white.  

For a guy to be this stupid and give a divorce lawyer the info?  You have to have the mentality of a 7-year old kid.

2.  I suspect around 2-percent of people walking around today.....will be wearing some kind of air 'tank' device (fresh air) because of their irrational fear of virus bugs in the air.  

Some engineer idiot will develop a $1,200 scuba-like tank that you carry around with you, and refill at home via some vacuum device.  

All of this....because of your fears.

3.  Ever noticed how this 6 Jan stuff evolves into a WWE-wrestling scenario of sorts?  

In forty years, folks will be laughing because their entire image of 6 Jan revolves around the buffalo head guy, and by that point....he's a cult figure for hundreds of thousands of Americans.

4.    Ever noticed the number of people around you who continually chat over emotional 'ups and downs'?  

It's like a quarter of the people you bump into....will admit this was a stressful day, and they want to confess their 'membership' in some up-and-down club.

5.  Just could be in some breakfast diner in 2023....sitting next to a stranger with conversation starting up, then you discover of a hundred topics you two might discuss.....he has an opinion on like 95-percent. might have talked over traffic, weather, and sports.  Today, even if you drifted over to forty-odd topics involving Biden's wife, son or relatives....everyone now has an opinion. 

6.  It's mostly a fact that rarely gets mentioned with historians.....but in the medieval period (500-1500)....most 'peasants' worked around 150 days a year. Various fests, holiday celebrations, religious retreats were held to make them 'happy'.  The Catholic Church in this era had the idea that people who were in off-time, and usually boozing-up....were less critical or negative about their woes in life.  I should add....witchcraft trials were popular and part of the entertainment for the general public.

7.  Not that it's a big deal, but I noticed a news item where certain airlines had a rule in place to have their wastewater from the incoming plane tested for Covid, and the vast majority of planes....had detected Covid (almost every single flight). 

Not that I'd worry about it, but if you were fearful of'd best avoid that toilet onboard.

8.  If you handed a map of the US to President Biden.....could he mark the actual border?  

I think at least three aides would quickly run up and try to hold Biden from the map and fear that he'd mark only the border of Delaware and Maryland.  

9.  I've viewed this video of Alabama Rep Mike Rogers approaching Rep Gaetz about twenty times.  

What I'll say is that Rogers appears in some violent way, and I'd suggest that he had some alcohol 'rage' building up (more than a shot or two).  If the Roger's 'friend' hadn't held him back.....he would have kicked-ass (as we say in Alabama) on Gaetz.  

Course, for WWE wrestling's all done in good humor.

10.  General rule on shooting intruders in your home, or some public situation...if the idiot brandished his gun and threatened get one fair/good shot to take him down.  If you generally fire a second might still be ok in terms of police approval.  If you fired five rounds into the guy.....don't count on the judge being friendly about your extra shots.  

Where This Church-Committee Business Will Lead Onto?

 First, for those who don't remember the Church hearings in the 1970s....a brief note or two.  Frank Church was a Democratic Senator who came up in 1975 to run a full inquisition of the CIA.  This was a full Republican and Democratic approved hearing.  It's virtually impossible to find anyone in the Senate at the time....who stood up against having the open hearing. 

At the one really got sent off to jail.  What Church and the group proved in public hearings....a number of CIA folks were running rogue, with occasional approval by Presidents (from 1945 on), and CIA directors.  No one was sent to jail, but a fair number of folks were just given 'papers' and they left the CIA.  Some rule changes occurred, and the directors were put on a short rope....continually hindered by the House/Senate.  

All of this....a clean-up from the JFK era?  Some people would argue that it should have been done in 1964, and this was just a decade late.  

Second, if you get a bunch of BS by CNN or WaPo....remember, this was 1975 for the Church hearings, and you'd have to be 70 or older to remember what happened.  So the bulk of experts talking to you now.....don't really know much or have marginally read maybe forty pages of material over a weekend.

Third....what the House committee is going to rogue agents/bosses mostly within the FBI, and probably to a lesser degree....the CIA and NSA.  

Fourth....part of the protection in the Church hearings....was that the CIA director was only supposed to brief....and NOT testify under oath.  The Ford Administration demanded this.  I expect the Biden Administration to do the same.....saying no one will testify under oath before the House committee.  

Fifth....this ending in 2023 (by December)?  No....I wouldn't bet on that.  It'll continue through most of 2024, and the report will be issued by election-time in November 2024.  

Results being one of the top three issues for the campaign?  Yeah.

Sixth....a lot of stuff involving Twitter?  Yes, and that information might lead to civil court business....putting people at jeopardy for cash fines....not jail-time.

Seventh....all of this leading to some break-up of the FBI?  I'd say a 99-percent chance that the campaign of 2024 will center on this as a top five issue.  

Eighth....discovery that the FBI has around 250-odd agents in undercover jobs with various left and right wing groups around the US?  I might suggest that this shock will be laid out.  At some point, I expect a comparison to come up....over Agent Oswald (for the CIA) and how it oddly fits the late-1950s mentality of the CIA.

I'll even suggest that one or two agents were embedded with the Trump campaign, and could possibly even be embedded with the Twitter staff (even today, after Elon bought them).  

Ninth, and final....most of the 6 Jan legend stuff will dissolve, and agent-provocateurs will be a term that Americans learn about, and openly criticize.  

The sad thing here?  Here is probably the biggest opportunity that CNN could ever ask for....getting creditability back, and they limit their coverage daily to six minutes or less.  

'Is' Versus 'Identifies As'

 I sat and read a simple commentary by a Seerut K. Chawla over at Twitter....where the statement was "I find it absurd that ‘identifies as’ has replaced ‘is.’

It's a simple thought.....your kid "Wilson" gets up one day (at age 7) and announces that he is no longer human.  Then Wilson says....he will identify as a robot.  So Wilson starts doing this herky-jerky motions and speech patterns of a 1980s TV show robot.....which you think is cute.  Eight hours later....he is still herky-jerky and talking like a robot.  Four days later....he still does it.

Two weeks into this, you confront Wilson and suggest that modern robots (like you see in all these Alien movies).....lack the herky-jerky stuff and all speak like human beings.  In blunt tell Wilson to give up the act.

Wilson counters this....saying he is analog robot....not as advanced as these fake modern robots.  Wilson is blunt.....he's not returning to normal.  

After two months of take Wilson to a mental clinic....concerned that he's a bit nuts over this behavior.  An hour into this.....the PhD guy says Wilson's ok.....that he has the 'right' to identify as something else.  

You walk out into the parking lot....pulling out a cigarette and doing a long 'drag' on it.  'This-ain't-right' is in your mind.  

As you return home....your wife comes up to you....announcing that she now identifies as a tramp/whore/slut/harlot.  She's dressed in some $20 blouse from Wal-Mart that displays all her assets.  As the days pass, she utters whorish comments throughout the day....continually winking at you....acting bizarre at times (even at Piggly Wiggly while shopping).

After a month of ask her to go over to the mental clinic.  The PhD guy examines her and says to you....she has the 'right' to identify as something else. 

You confront the PhD guy this time and are a sane, balanced, rational, and logical human.  You then state the don't need to identify or classify simple 'ARE'.

It is a complex society developing where people are identifying left and right....using little to no logic or reasoning for their transformation.  

People could identify as 'Elvis' by simply putting on a $90 shirt, applying grease to their hair, and singing a Elvis-tune.  

You could have a boss who identifies as a full-time golfer and part-time worker....showing up in the office in golf attire and carrying his clubs each day.  Every team meeting would be limited to 15 minutes because he's always hyped-up on tee-time.  

The only sane one around you?  Your dog....who seems to still be a dog, and hasn't done much to 'identify as'....except demand the extra-expensive dog treats.

Here's the thing.....society or mankind....can only function with a certain small percentage who walk around in this 'identify-as' stage.  When you reach a point that more than 50-percent of people are 'identify-as' can't rationally deal with this on a daily basis.  It's like saying half of mankind are mildly to serious insane, and they can drive heavy equipment, run nuclear plants, or handle serious life conditions.

After a while....all of these robot-kids and slut-wives....will have to return to normal, or the whole system fails.  

The Thing About Being Uninformed

 “If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do read it, you’re misinformed.” 

- Denzel Washington

This is probably one of the most insightful comments I've seen in the past decade.  

It used to be if you read your local newspaper, Time, Newsweak, an occasional big name unit (WaPo or NY Times), and Reader's could stand in the midst of your church social group, the local school teachers, or anyone at work....commenting on anything of a particular level.  Today? It would be nearly impossible if you did 'read' say you were free of misinformation.

In simple terms, you'd be discussing BS or some propaganda material....knowing that it was crap half the time, and feeling pretty frustrated about the way that things work.

But it makes you the hell did things evolve into a mess like this, and it wasn't exactly something that occurred in the past five years.