Thursday 25 July 2024

My Odds on Kam

 Selling the Kam 'brand' for the Presidency is difficult and I offer four problems:

1.  First, there's this behavior that you see almost she's lit up on some Cannabis or some panic attack medication.  Yeah, the funny laugh and the speech pattern.

2.  Then you have the fact that as VP....she had to notice Joe Biden was in some mental decline, and did nothing.

3.  Her resume?  In SF...she has some reputation as a tough DA....putting a fair number of black guys away for drugs.  The six years as state AG?  If you ask most California folks....they can't remember anything about the era.

4.  Finally, this Willie Brown chatter that comes up....on how she elevated herself into the city DA job in 2003.  It reads like a Hollywood script.  

So, I'll just say it....when Biden selected her in 2020....I think Obama was standing there and shaking his head.  I don't think Obama will say anything much in approval of her abilities.

If they move to early-convene a digital meeting to appoint her?  Well....why conduct a Convention in Chicago?  I'd cancel has no purpose.

Pretty funny how this whole thing has unfolded.

My Crazy Lady Story

 For 3.5 years,  I worked and lived in Arlington, VA.  I lived in an apartment complex....about 2 miles from the Pentagon.  If you drew a half-mile circle....there were four 'large' apartment buildings near my building.

One of these buildings had a coffee shop-bar operation. 

One day....the local cops got untangle a mess. took a number of hours and here is the basic story.

One day (around the end of 2010)....some gal  (in her 30s) moved into this apartment  building with the coffee shop.  She got to know a number of folks,  and she projected herself as a member of the CIA. 

Yeah, I know....usually, CIA people don't openly chit-chat about themselves and state their profession.

Weeks and months went by, and some younger guy (late 20s) eagerly bought into her story.  Toward the end of 2011....she had convinced this younger guy that she could hire him on as an assistant.  But there was a catch.....he needed a clearance, and he would be going 'off' with her on a secret mission to the Middle East.

For a number of reasons....I seem to believe that the guy was having physical relations with this secret-agent gal.  But lets not dwell on the lusty stuff.

He filled out the security paperwork and gave her the package.

Right before Christmas....he gave notice to his present gov't job.....and that his secret-agent gal was taking him on a mission.  

This was right before Christmas, and the guy was going to visit his parents (with the secret-agent gal), and announce all this stuff.

Well....his parents didn't really believe much of anything.  Yeah....imagine that.

So they called the real CIA, and eventually.....told 'junior'....this is all BS.

'Junior' calls the Virginia police and that's when they step in to figure out the mess.

My apartment building manager talked around with the cops.....what they said in the seems like the secret-agent gal was paranoid schizophrenic.  She had well-to-do parents....who set her up in this apartment and paid her monthly bills.

The guy?  The story goes that he went back to his old job.  

No one said much of jail for the crazy gal....or even some mental eval.

In this brief conversation with the building manager....I offered the opinion that there were probably dozens like this secret-agent gal in the DC region.  He indicated that the police figured they handled at least one or two of these per year....with most people not wanting to admit they fell for a pretty crazy story.

(I probably have 400 stories like this from my 3.5 years of DC life)


 1.  I'm I have free time.  This week, I ended up watching about three hours of this Secret Service Chief 'interrogation' by the House members.

It was a total waste of time.

At some point, you could tell that even the Democratic members were peeved.  

My general impression (having spent around 30 years around military organizations)....this 'chief' was mostly unqualified for the job, and had no desire to at least tell a 12-line story over the shooting of Trump.

2.  Just odd....the key person that VP Harris needs to support her Barak Obama.  So far, he hasn't said much of anything.

3.   Apple-TV has started cutting it's budget and production schedule....saying there just aren't enough people watching the shows they make.

Probably the first signal of streaming TV decreases.  My bet?  Within 2 years....there will just be three services left.