Saturday, 25 December 2021

Should Hillary Run in 2024?'s the thing, if this is mostly led in the 2023 debate/primary-build-up, with Mayor-Pete and VP Harris, with Joe Biden continuing to talk about running again, then I'd say fine....let Hillary run against the three in the primary.

Trouble winning the Iowa caucus?  Well....that's problem number one.  

Does she have any cash free to run in NH, SC and Nevada?  Yeah, she can probably scramble around and get enough to win easily in Nevada and SC. 

Health issues still there?  No doubt.  Plus she's eight years older than last time.

But here's the thing.....there are almost no governors with good enough records and built economic strategies to sell people on their brand.

In simple terms.....Covid has wiped out a whole generation of Democratic  governors.  

So yeah.....let Hillary run, and lets see how the public feels after four years of Joe Biden.