Thursday, 22 December 2022

Covid Chatter

 I don't normally read the WaPo much, but this AM....they had this odd story....a health study done....over Covid.  So it comes out.....people who have a routine regular exercise schedule (even just walking or hiking)....stood a fairly high chance of never getting hospitalized over Covid, or dying from Covid.  We aren't saying 100-percent, but apparently it's enough to suggest that your fitness level might figure into your health situation.

I saw a news piece late in 2021....where a German marathon runner had Covid, and even three months after the virus.....he was nowhere near his past stamina.  The illness had taken a lot of energy out of the guy.  I should note....he didn't have to go off to the hospital.  Based on his was like a serious bout with pneumonia.  

I also noted from another 2021 news show....the interview with a 90-year old German a retirement home, who did a two-week bout with Covid, and emerged with no health problems.  Course, she hyped-up....after breakfast each day.....she took her 90-pound frame (my judgement) and walked an hour.  She also noted that she munched on a apple everyday, avoided bad habits (I assume smoking and boozing), and ate what you'd consider one real meal (dinner) per day.  

Course, if you said any of this on 'old' would have been censored or forbidden to chat over such things.  

Three Observataions

 1.  Some intellectual 'idiot' appeared at the World Economic Forum.  Their quote?  "We can solve all the Earth's problems, if we reduced the world population to where it was 500 years ago." (Basically 1522 for reference).

I sat there for a while.  This was around 100 years prior to the Mayflower landing, and around 140 years prior to my family arriving in the 'new world'.

If you gaze around at Japan and European numbers.....we've crossed the point where 2 births per woman occur (going downward, not upward), and population shifts are easily noted today.  You can actually draw a Excel spreadsheet on German populations in approximately a hundred years and show a 25-percent decrease in numbers unless immigration takes off big-time.

The problem I would assess as a bigger deal....we have too many intellectuals in our midst, and need to lessen their number by save humanity.  

2.  After all that chatter with the Nord Stream I/II pipelines blown up in the Baltic region....still one is sure who blow the pipes up.

Based on chatter this week....some evidence is concluding it wasn't the Russian government.  If it wasn't the Russian gov't (still holding out on some Oligarch or Wagner contract group) opens up a big discussion.

3.  Some people are concluding in 2024.....that a 8-year Republican Presidential trend will occur, and the suggestion is that Sotomayor/Kegan (Justices) might want to retire in the next 18 prevent a 'big' mess for the Democrats.  While they hold a lead in the Senate....the conventional wisdom is to use it for some benefit.  

It's amazing all the factors that agenda groups are dumping into these days.