Saturday, 9 April 2022

Six Observations

 1.  Some journalists working for NBC news have a fear that MSNBC hiring Biden's 'talker' (Psaki) will bring shame to the network news.

Frankly, there's about six tons of shame laying on the NBC/MSNBC floor, and it can't get much worse.

2.  Some guy claims to have all the 'erased' stuff off Hunter Biden's laptop, and that he will bring it back to reality by the end of April.

My guess is that it's just all romance-novel stuff that Hunter tried to write back in 2016.  Working title: Mistress Mabel, The French Count, and the Wicked Things They Did in Cyprus.

3.  Ric Flair (of wrestling fame) says of the Oscars/Will Smith episode: "I didn't think it was real."

Yes, Ric says it kinda looked like honest-to-God-fake-wrestling.  

Since Ric said that....I must admit, I tend to agree with did look like some 'hit' that Dusty Rhodes would done on Junkyard Dog.

4.  There does appear to be over 14,000 things to toxify your body now. 

Pretty much....buttermilk is the last thing suggested as 'bad' for you.

5.  Some study has concluded that eating avocados twice a week....slashes the odds of you having a heart-attack.

Before you get hyped-up....studies over the years has said that full-up diet (several avocados a week) takes off weight (mostly because of the high fiber making you feel full).  It might be more weight what lessens the heart-attack angle.

6. Finally, in the case of that Parkland school shooting (way back in Feb 2018)....local court is finally getting to a start-up of the court episode on the Cruz kid.

Jury selection started this week, and one gal appeared in front of the judge....noting she was married (I assume happily) but would not be able to fulfill the jury obligation because she had a full-time 'sugar-daddy' situation that required her attention.

I came to realize that a number of folks from Alabama....aren't really up on the expression of 'sugar daddy' this is my simple explanation for the 'hobby'.

Explanation: Over at the general store...sits Karl Macky who keeps spare change for the Coke machine.  Dixie is a hot-blooded gal with lust in her heart.....who will approach Karl for some soda-money.....using sexual tension to ease him out of his 50-cents.  Dixie is willing to sit for hours and hear Karl's stories while sipping on a free Coke.  You take this scenario, and 'turbo-ize' it by three-hundred times.....then you get the correct image of a 'sugar-daddy'.

Apparently, the judge accepted the logic of a 'sugar-daddy' situation....not asking for his name or if he was married already.  I would have asked if she reported the income from the sugar-daddy to IRS....which might have been a difficult thing to answer. 

What Will Elon Musk Say?

 This past week....Musk went out with his billions and bought around 9-percent of Twitter.  I would say the best description of the 24 hours after'd be like some kid putting a crate of fireworks on a bonfire, with people standing there in anticipation of what is to come.

By the end of the week....a fair number of Twitter employees were all worried about what Musk is going to do, and the CEO discussed this with which Elon said....why don't you just run a townhall meeting and give me questions to answer?  So this is being arranged.

It appears to be an employee-viewing only (I'd actually pay $40 to view the 'chat').  Occurring?  Well....the hint is next week.

What will Musk say?  I've sat and pondered over this, and written my Musk-intro to this townhall (if this were me speaking):

Good morning.

So to begin with....if you didn't grasp my background....I don't run failed companies like K-Mart, Blockbuster, Polaroid, Pan Am, or Tower Records.  

To be honest, running failed strategies around Map-Quest, Atari, or Enron wouldn't suit my taste, and probably would not be on your top five-hundred desires in life.

I also don't accept stagnant innovation, having useless employees around, or having a dozen levels of management existing.

I hire people to a job description.  That's your focus....if you think you've got a dozen-odd lecturing people, or writing filler-material for 'content', or being judge-and-jury over some non-existent problem....maybe this is not your job.

For those who come into work each day....all tangled up over personal issues and you can't seem to contribute to the end-purpose of the either need to clean your personal situation or move on.

Sheep-herders are hired to safely stand over and protect their flock.  Rocket engineers are hired to build rockets to get men from 'A' to 'B'....with the highest regard for safety and mission accomplished.  Nurses are hired to take the weak or injured into their care and provide a statistical chance of recovery.  You were hired with some intent to give Twitter a world-class platform, which enables people to communicate, share ideas, and give an 'entry' to voices to be heard.  If you don't share that vision....maybe you need to move on.

If you think you are a content-writer or are misguided.  Nothing on Twitter today is owned by the company....we simply supply the platform.

So in summing this up....Twitter is going to the next innovate, improve, and to give the world a voice.  If you have a thought-process that prevents that, or personal woes that drain your outlook on life, or feel a need to be a part of a Sears-like or Circuit City-like operation....well, good luck with that resume.  Maybe one day, you will rejoin Twitter....more motivated. 


Oh, and before we get to this chief pronoun of use is 'WE'.....that is...if you are on the Twitter team.  I don't have time to waste in assembling 44k pronoun 'games' and wondering about how this pronoun improves the functional use of the stupid 'edit-button' for Twitter.