Friday, 17 May 2024

What Happens At the Democratic Convention Once Joe Biden Is Replaced?

 After pondering over, I have five humble thoughts:

1.  Whatever deal Joe Biden has with Trump meeting for a second debate after the gone.

Doesn't matter if it is Michelle Obama or Governor Newsom.....this deal is gone and Trump will likely say any new debate chatter....has to be with podcast folks a totally neutral situation, at Trump's pick  of location.

Yeah, he will  own the full landscape.

2.  CNN's value after this point?  Boy, I'd say they will have half the number of viewers and be laughed at.  

3.  Joe's energy level for the he is out?  Near zero after the Convention.  He might try to invite himself to France or Germany, but I doubt if he does much travel.

4.  Economy going into rapid slow-down?  OH YEAH, that's very possible. 

5.  Migration crisis going  into massive over-drive?  YES.....with full blame upon Joe Biden, and NYC/Chicago asking for $150-million a month to marginally keep support going on.

What Happens On The Morning Of 28 June? wake up after having watched the Biden-Trump debate from the previous evening, feeling pretty amused and dismayed.   

First, you will admit it was mostly a debate between CNN and Donald Trump....with Trump pointing out how far the network had fallen.  The Tapper dude?  He will be crapped on in various ways.  

CNN's attempt to defend itself?  A majority of people will see them as a propaganda unit....not a news organization.  

Blacks in a overwhelming majority will was mostly about CNN trying to get Trump, with the Democratic masterminds trying figure out how they screwed up.

Second, people will have noticed at least a dozen facts that Biden being false.  

Third, a series of meetings will  start up and run through most of July.  The main topic?  How can the Democratic Convention quietly and effectively replace Joe  Biden?  

Fourth, the second of these debates?  It won't occur.  After the Convention...whoever replaces Joe....will find that Donald Trump now says fine....but there's only going to be moderators that he accepts.  

Fifth, this VP debate on 23 July (week after the Republican Convention)?  It likely will not occur, and certainly not with Harris.

Oddly, this will be discussed for some Shakespeare-like opera.

(Hint: Don't expect the CNN crew to ask a single economics question)