After pondering over, I have five humble thoughts:
1. Whatever deal Joe Biden has with Trump meeting for a second debate after the gone.
Doesn't matter if it is Michelle Obama or Governor Newsom.....this deal is gone and Trump will likely say any new debate chatter....has to be with podcast folks a totally neutral situation, at Trump's pick of location.
Yeah, he will own the full landscape.
2. CNN's value after this point? Boy, I'd say they will have half the number of viewers and be laughed at.
3. Joe's energy level for the he is out? Near zero after the Convention. He might try to invite himself to France or Germany, but I doubt if he does much travel.
4. Economy going into rapid slow-down? OH YEAH, that's very possible.
5. Migration crisis going into massive over-drive? YES.....with full blame upon Joe Biden, and NYC/Chicago asking for $150-million a month to marginally keep support going on.