Saturday, 26 June 2021

Ten Observations

 1.  I expect the LGBTQ folks to have at least a dozen additional letters by 2025....likely to include the bondage people, the Masochism people, and the Picquerism folks.  

2.  This visit by Harris to the Waco area....will be the only trip to the border in 2021 (my prediction).  In fact, I doubt that she will visit at any point in 2022.

3.  Yeah, President Biden did say in some 'funny' way that Latinos in general....are in some fashion....all illegals.  I don't think he grasped the way he said this, and he just misread the teleprompter. 

4.  I expect some group to rise up in demand that the Statue of Liberty be torn down because it's racist.

5.  Poll done this past week does say that if the 2024 election was Harris versus Trump.....she'd easily lose.  This is why I think that Joe Biden will be kept around, and probably run again in 2024.

6.  The head guy of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Army General) says that he wants to understand 'white rage'.  I imagine that the guy has lived in a bubble for 30-odd years, and has no idea over the crazy nature of America in 2021.  They ought to go and force each officer upon being promoted to one-star spend six months touring America in a truck, and talking to regular people.

7.  If transgender surgery is a 'right'....then nose surgery or boob surgery ought to be a 'right' as well.  

8.  Yeah, in a speech....President Biden did put the Tuskegee Airmen (famous for WW  II participation) with syphilis test subjects (different era and story entirely).  Listen, people come up to Joe every day and tell him 700 facts, and it's hard to remember and differentiate between them.  That's 255,500 facts, and they get all jumbled up.  

9.  Over in the Saarbrucken area of Germany (far west state)....a older gal (blonde, 50s) moved up in the Green Party and became the number two person in the state political scene for the Greens.  This week however, a Q and A came up, and she knew absolutely nothing over environmentalism, the party agenda, or current event topics.  The people who voted her up to this current status?  I don't think they really cared if she was a 'dumb-blonde'.  They just liked her image and looks.  Says something about the political world we live in.

10.  Identifism.  It's a new term that I've created.....where people go around and identify as 'something else'.  They might suggest they are Latino, when they are plain Wisconsin-white.  They might say they identify as a thin person, when they weigh 350 pounds.  They might say they are sane, when they are 100-percent insane.  It's reached a point where we probably need to send these folks off to some farm situation, and let them haul hay for two weeks straight (in July) to get the craziness out of them.