The Air Force cam out this past week and said they would 'ease-up' on restrictions on tattoo work on their folks....on necks and hands.
Reason given? A 'new' view of the 'hobby'.
Real reason? I think the shortage on personnel is reaching a point where even chubby guys/gals are simply give a 'worry' note and told to proceed on.
I remember the day when piercings on guys (off-duty) was finally accepted. About every decade.....the shortage issue comes up.
Will it get worse? Based on chatter....I'd say the next round of evolution will occur by Thanksgiving.
I was reading a piece today.....the AF is missing around 1,000 pilots minimum and there's heavy competition with passenger airlines.
The idea of bringing back Warrant Officers? It wouldn't shock me if by spring of see the idea discussed. It wouldn't be the end of the world if Warrant Officers were allowed to exist again....within the Air Force cargo plane world.