Sunday, 11 September 2022

Biden's 'Red' Speech and V For Vendetta

 Someone brought it up this the Biden 'red' speech was a lot like the movie 'V For Vendetta'.  

I sat and pondered upon this.

V For Vendetta was a movie released in 2005.  The key element?  It was originally designed as a DC Comics story (late 1980s) where England had been taken by a agenda group, and the public was being lied to....on a national scale.

It's mostly a movie about propaganda and to what degree you'd drag the public into a dire situation where trust was no longer there.

In this comparison with Joe Biden's 'red' speech?  He wants you to believe it's a us versus them type of reality.  It was not a unity was a divider speech.  No one can argue about that suggestion.

So this is my question....the guy or gal who wrote the speech and designed the stage, with the red lights, Marines, and flag business.....had they watched V For Vendetta in the past six months and figured to create the same image?  

It's a crazy idea.  

House To Rush $50-Million For Chicago, DC and NY Refugee Crisis?

Well....there is a bill out there now....which would funnel $50-million over to the city governments of NY City, DC, and Chicago.  

The question here....out of each dollar much is funneled to some middle guy who is providing a $4 plate of food for $10?  Yeah, carving out some corruption money.

The $50-million?  It'll arrive and probably be spent in four weeks.  

My issue?  At the end of August, it was figured that 9,000 refugees had been put on buses for the three destinations.  At the current pace, by Christmas.....I would figure the number would be up around 16,000.  

That 50-million would have to re-occur every six 'save' the three cities.