Well...you'd be told that Oswald shot JFK, period, and you need to accept that.
Those suggesting a conspiracy exists? They would be taken down by Twitter, Facebook and woke-enthusiasts.
They would be telling you hour-by-hour....there's no second gunman, and the killing of Oswald doesn't mean much.
There would be just a paragraph of material to ever be discussed over Jack Ruby, and most would fail to highlight that his entire profession....for his past twenty years....was all mafia-connected.
Thats why history....injected into the woke-business.makes you pause and ponder things.
The assassination of Crown-Prince Ferdinand that started WW I? I doubt that the nationality of the killers (Serbian) would be mentioned or allowed in a Facebook/Twitter world.
There's a list of a thousand historical events that you could weigh upon woke, and realize how crazy-stupid the concept is.