Saturday 3 July 2021

My Problem With the 6th of January 'Insurrection'

 It's a curious thing....if you go to DC, and look at the security of the FBI building, the Pentagon, the Justice building, and so on (probably around thirty such structures)....they all have what you'd call premium security.  That means that the majority of episodes to invade the buildings...would fail miserably.

Maybe if you had a armored vehicle, or used explosives to get through the initial might be able to get access.

The Congress building?  Unless you establish that some insider helped to get the doors open and turn off the normal practice of can't tell me that a rag-tag group of unarmed individuals....mostly with flagpoles...made it in.

That would indicate to me that the Congress structure has the security level that you'd find in Tonga, Bolivia, or El Salvador.  

The more you talk about the 6th, and you bring up the way that the individuals got inside?  I think it gets to an embarrassing stage where the capital police need to be disbanded, and you need to hire up professionals.  

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