1. Will there ever be a point over the next decade where you walk around and no one is wearing a mask?
No. That day will not exist, unless you confine yourself to some ultra-rural area where you just get out to buy gas, pick up mail at some rural post office, and avoid civilization entirely.
2. Is the Pentagon going to 'spy' on military members social media?
Well....the suggestion is there. But the obvious question....if you have people monitoring....who are monitoring the monitors?
3. Could people get so dependent on the government....that they could survive without 'free money'?
That probably occurred in the 1970s, and has been on the agenda ever since.
4. Did Obama basically admit UFOs are real?
Well....he gave a statement and just said stuff to prepare you for the next reality.
5. Could 12-year-old kids successfully (using fake ID) trade stock?
First, you'd ask 'why', and after you settle that question....the rest of the answer is 'yes'.
But if the 12-year-old kid figured futures and trends....there's nothing holding him back from being a millionaire by age 21.
6. Why are more nutcases showing up at airports and on planes....triggering fights and assaults?
Mostly a trend with drugs and alcohol. I might even go and suggest the trend will envelop churches eventually.
7. Talk of this 4th stimulus check?
Yep, it continues on. I'd prepare for another $1k to $2k each by August.
8. With home prices escalating....aren't we building up a problem with mortgage loan companies?
Absolutely. But no one wants to deny the circus atmosphere from existing.
9. Does anyone really care what Jeb Bush thinks?
I doubt it.
10. Lumber prices going downward?
Well....lumber futures are trending downward....which means something is going on and prices should shift in the next month.