What's being discussed in DC is to just usher Trump out.....welcome President Biden, and then have a independent commission review the election. Where this goes? I'll offer four observations:
1. After handling the country-influence intelligence report and getting a major visit by their analysts....the commission will be in a serious mess.
They will have to admit the analysts are correct and involvement of various countries or groups has occurred, and punishment ought to be dished out, but it's very limited to what you can actually do, or expect out of President Biden or President Harris.
2. If the commission reaches some conclusion that the computerized voting system is flawed (like each country in the EU has accepted almost ten years ago).....then what? Could they tell Congress to forbid electronic voting? Would Congress even go and accept that? Would President Biden or President Harris accept that?
3. If email efforts were faulty.....could the commission correct this, or forbid it in the future? Could Congress even take this action? Could President Biden or President Harris accept that?
4. Then you come to identity issues in the election (double-voting for example). Could the commission, Congress, President Biden/Harris....take some action to create a national ID card?
It's basically a time-delay event with the commission to just get them through 2021, and suggest to Trump.....'yeah, you were probably screwed'.
In my mind, the commission is a dangerous event because you might just admit that there are simply not 81,000,000 votes for Joe Biden. In fact, if you intended to keep the nation intact...it has to reach the conclusion that nothing much occurred here.
Once the general public realizes the worthless value of the commission....then what? Is the basic structure of the republic finished?