Wednesday, 14 June 2023

TRIGGER Warnings?

 I noticed this in the AM news....coming from PBS nightly news, on Trump's chatter.

From the text at the bottom of the screen....was a fragile mentality warning (TRIGGER warning): “Experts warn that inflammatory rhetoric from elected officials or people in power can prompt individual actors to commit acts of violence."

Basically, they were saying if you watched/heard his might be prone to conduct 'acts of violence'.

I sat and paused over this.

First, the text is incredibly small on the screen.  Via my 48-inch TV....I could probably read it.  From the bedroom 24-inch?  No way.

Second, if you are going to start issuing TRIGGER seems like you'd have to back to all episodes of Bonanza, Gunsmoke, Rifleman, Dallas, Gilligan's Island, Green Acres, etc.....and run TRIGGER alerts at the bottom of each episode.

Third, it begs the did we as a civilization survive for thousands of years without TRIGGER warnings?  How did my people come over from the UK in the 1640s....without a TRIGGER warning onboard or there on the shore as we exited the boat? 

Fourth, to be anger/frustration level goes up whenever any of the ladies of the View come on.

Fifth, wouldn't I need a TRIGGER warning as soon as I crossed the border between Nevada and California, or crossing from Alabama into Tennessee?

Sixth and final....if you are suffering this badly and need TRIGGER warnings....shouldn't you be sent off to a facility for recovery/rehab?  You know....some forestry camp in Oregon, to haul logs or plant trees....for six months?

Odds of me getting TRIGGERED anything on PBS?  Well....I have to's now got me into a fragile mindset.