Sunday, 25 June 2023

Ten Things

 1.  Defining 'bat-shit' crazy.  You got a crazy uncle who decides to lead a rag-tag army on a 800-mile convoy to throw out some dictator, and about 600 miles into the trip....the uncle says 'no, we got better things to do', and ends the trip.  

2.  If you woke up at 6 AM and just started counting at cult-like behavior or many would you see by 9 PM that night?  A dozen....forty?

3.  I counted the number of journalists trying to get Hunter Biden comments out of that poor WH press spokesperson-gal....must have been eight when I hit mute. She just didn't want to say anything, and those bully-journalists weren't willing to accept that.  

4.  This Lukashenko character from Belarus....ought to be up for a Noble Peace Prize....for saving Putin and ensuring Russia didn't fall apart with a coup.  

5.  Within three years, I expect a new trend where 12-year-old boys are hooking up with 20-year-old women, and being told it's 'normal'.

6.  A bunch of Moscow folks got disturbed over events by mid-day yesterday, and rushed out to pay ten and twenty times the going rate for airline leave the country.  Presently, at 9 their hotel, they are probably debating a return to Moscow, or just staying.

7.  Just for reference, this Russian coup guy (Prigozhin) got out of prison (9 years of time) around 1990, and ran a hot-dog stand for a couple of years.  

8.  Some oddity about the public curiosity of the Titanic....they seem more 'consumed' about it, than the 1994 Buick they owned for eight years.

9.  I think Joe Rogan could take on both Zuck and Elon (same time) and toss them both out of the ring (belt or no belt).

10.  About one-third of Russia were still sleeping off a 5-star hangover Saturday, and missed the entire coup from beginning to end.  


 I worked once with a Air Force officer who'd gotten into a Soviet studies program in college (before he got into the Air Force) and right after the Soviet Union collapsed....he went off for one year in 'new' Russia to attend some university there.  

One day, we got into a chat about this period of his life, and this period of change in the Russian landscape.  

There were probably twenty interesting things that he brought out....but then he got onto booze consumption.  From day one (the arrival), he came to grasp that Russian men generally consume a lot of booze.  

The booze consumption rate advanced their health issues.  A guy who was forty....would look more like a sixty-year-old guy.

Car accidents and work accidents were more prevalent with men....because of the booze.

Decision-making often resulted in crappy decisions...because of the booze.

Women complained constantly over drinking habits of their husbands. 

If he walked around the corner and came upon several guys in some heated discussion/ was better than a 50-percent chance that all of the guys standing there in this argument....were boozed-up and the argument made no sense.

At the end of this year program and leaving, he came to this rational view of Russia....that this booze tradition had been around for hundreds of years and it was a hard part of culture that could not be dismantled or fixed.   

Over the past 24 hours....I'd say we got a full glimpse of alcohol-effect and irrational behavior.