At some point in the 1980s, and going on for about 15 years.....if you were given a really crappy assignment, and arrived to find it was a 5-star negative had this one option of letting your name, rank and AFSC (job code) be advertised, and try to 'swap'.
An were given orders after three years in return to the some base in Montana (Malmstrom). After three months, you mostly drink excessively and hated everyday. Then you advertised and discovered this gal....originally grew up in Montana....same rank and AFSC....was willing to swap her base (in Florida). In a matter of days, this was worked out and six weeks later (at your expense) two swapped bases.
How popular was this? never knew from year to year. The Air Force rarely talked about this. Occasionally, you'd find out that 300-odd people swapped over a one-year period.
At some point about twenty years ago, it ended.
Presently? They are about to revive it....mostly because of the high number of disgruntled people (not recruitment folks, but people with four to sixteen years of service).
How I think this will go? I suspect that a fair number of 17-year NCOs will decide to find the perfect retirement location (maybe like Nevada or Florida) to swap some hell-hole for, and someone will agree to the deal.
For me? I had this odd history....each time I went to a transfer situation....I listed out my top picks, and I got either number one or number two. Course, I knew people of the opposite tendency....never getting a pick from their top ten.