Friday, 26 November 2021

Ending of Jason

 This week, General Hospital (the soap) fired one of it's guys.....Steve Burton (plays Jason Morgan).  Reason?  No Covid vaccination.

How I would have handled this?

I would have written up a parting-week, where the character Jason Morgan got Covid, and got taken to a fake ICU.....all messed up on health.

Throughout the week....I would have had Nurse Greta show up and weep....over her secret affair with Jason....then I would have had trampy 'Wendy' show up to weep over her secret lover, and then I would have had Jason's ex-wife Maggie show up and whisper 'screw you' over and over....hating him for leaving her for Bob (his bi-friend).

Around day four, I would have introduced Wong-Wong as a new nurse from Wuhan, who has arrived to save Jason.....mostly giving him oriental herbs and putting mustard on his tongue.

On Friday, Jason would have died, and then some fed doctor would have shown up to save if he'd just taken the vaccination he would have survived. 

Finally, I'd bring in President Biden for a 2-minute chat.....remembering Jason as a guy he'd see on the train each day.....going home from Washington DC, and he was a fine guy....who had great taste in lusty women, and the world weeps over his stupidity in not getting vax'ed up.

In the final moments....a new guy would have arrived on the street.....Jason's third cousin.....Marvin....who is fully vax'ed and is mostly a male model who hooks up with trailer-trash women.  

The Thing About Bail

 Lot of hype this week over bail conditions in various states.

If you stand back and review the landscape.....bail was the tool to ensure 'Joe', who'd done some pretty bad stuff....would return to court on X-day to face a judge.  

If you ended bail (which is going on nationally in various states)....the odds of 'Joe' coming to the judge?  No one publishes data, but I doubt if 'Joe' pays attention to this matters, and just disappears.

Personally, it'd make sense to avoid bail for non-violent and non-drug 'Joes'.  But the minute you start talking about assault or serious drug need serious bail to get their attention.  

Trying to make this a black/white issue?  Where in the Constitution is there some dividing line?  Show me.