Thursday 20 June 2024

What Should Elon Musk Do With The $56-Billion?

 It's been on my mind for a week.  The compensation package from Tesla has been re-approved (after the Delaware judge tried to stop it).

First, I'd walk in and make a cash-offer to CNN's owners....$8-billion and assumption of current debt).   Once purchased....I'd terminate the top layer.  I'd make them purely a news group....with little to no politics (except after 10 PM).  

Second, I'd buy the Washington Post, with a cash offer of $1-billion.  Once purchased, I'd move the bulk of the management/journalists....forty miles outside of DC.  

Third, I'd take $10-billion and re-create American Public Radio (APR) to provide what NPR originally did in the 1970s.  Literature, poetry, jazz, blues, story-telling....with NO news.  I'd set up forty transmission sites around the US, and have it connected to Twitter/X.

Fourth, I'd offer a buy-out of the NY Times....$8.5-billion.  I'd turn around and forbid any journalist writing a story where the term anonymous source was used.

Fifth, I'd go to Newsweek and Time....asking they'd merge and allow me to buy duo for $2-billion. 

My Humble View Of This Hype Of Hillary Clinton For VP?

 Eight points:

1.  I think the White House insiders  (not Joe Biden/Kam Harris) are ready to admit that the campaign is in 2nd gear....going nowhere, and they had figured this out a year ago...preparing Governor Newsom for the Convention step-in process.  They haven't been able to talk Biden into this idea.

2.  I think Doctor Jill (Joe's wife) figured this out in the last sixty days....without talking to the White House insiders (Obama's former team).  In her mind....dumping Harris makes perfect sense, and going to Hillary Clinton fixes the sagging numbers.  

For the record, I don't think Jill's team or the White House insiders talk much between themselves.

3.  I think Hillary Clinton is mostly giggling over the idea, and fully engaged....thinking that Joe is in bad shape and would be out by late 2025 (if they won), and she'd correct all the screwed-up stuff.

4. Hillary's health issues?  Nothing dementia related....mostly physical health that lingers from 8 years ago.  I don't she's up for a 50-hour-a-week type job or serious travel (nor was she eight years ago).

5.  VP Harris just accepting this?  Oh, she's going to be disgruntled big-time.  She would have been dumped anyway, as Newsom's introduction would have carved her from the ticket.

6.  The public overly excited with Hillary listed as VP?  Why?  I don't see any special group (even the LG-community, or blacks, or Hispanics) being that hyped-up.

7.  Would Obama come out in the final sixty days to speak in favor of the Joe-Hillary ticket?  I don't buy that idea either.  I think he'd take a pass and just say Joe deserves to lose.

8.  Why is the whole ticket process (like talking over Bernie, Joe, Hillary and RFK) handcuffed to old guys/gals?  Can't they find some dynamic guy in his 40s, who doesn't have a crappy leadership record?

Ten Personal Opinions

 1.  Arguing with stupid people....doesn't achieve much of anything but giving you high blood-pressure.

2.  I get the opinion that one out of ten people that I bump into....are  trying to be something that they cannot achieve.

3.  Given a choice of buying a $25k 1970s antique car or a brand new Ford at $75,000 vehicle....I'll take the old car.

4.  Anyone who says they want to help you get out of poverty-status....might not have your success as a top-goal.

5.  The minute someone utters 'carbon-footprint-blah-blah'.....I hit some mute status in my head and it doesn't matter what you say or relate it to....I'm just thinking of Elmer Fudd hunting some rabbit.

6.  How I remember the old days (1960s) with Governor chatter?  About once a month, the Governor would show up in the some  state-park, or in a photo-pic with some school-teacher.  Today?  You can go out to Oregon and note five or six media-events daily where the Governor is trying to convince you they actually work.

7.  At some point, I expect American Indians, American Indian-Indians (Bombay type), Hispanics, and mount an effort to have their own holidays.  This recognition is going irk blacks a good bit, and trigger some outrage.   My suggestion....just have one massive single federal holiday....allowing all the folks to be recognized.  Even 'idiots' should be recognized in some fashion.  

8.  This BS about Hillary Clinton being dragged in to replace Harris on the Biden ticket?  I think the idea came from Doctor Jill, and she's reached the stage of believing that Joe/Kam can't win....but Joe/Hillary could.  

9.  TDS (Trump Delusionary Syndrome) now a problem?  Fair number of people now believe that they will be personally persecuted (like Jesus)...then sent off to some imaginary camp.  It's to the level that I think at least 10,000 people imagine this.

10.  'Cockpit' has gotten onto a list of 'bad-words', and likely to be non-existent within a decade.  No idea what would replace it (I'd suggest a vaginapit).