Thursday 20 June 2024

Ten Personal Opinions

 1.  Arguing with stupid people....doesn't achieve much of anything but giving you high blood-pressure.

2.  I get the opinion that one out of ten people that I bump into....are  trying to be something that they cannot achieve.

3.  Given a choice of buying a $25k 1970s antique car or a brand new Ford at $75,000 vehicle....I'll take the old car.

4.  Anyone who says they want to help you get out of poverty-status....might not have your success as a top-goal.

5.  The minute someone utters 'carbon-footprint-blah-blah'.....I hit some mute status in my head and it doesn't matter what you say or relate it to....I'm just thinking of Elmer Fudd hunting some rabbit.

6.  How I remember the old days (1960s) with Governor chatter?  About once a month, the Governor would show up in the some  state-park, or in a photo-pic with some school-teacher.  Today?  You can go out to Oregon and note five or six media-events daily where the Governor is trying to convince you they actually work.

7.  At some point, I expect American Indians, American Indian-Indians (Bombay type), Hispanics, and mount an effort to have their own holidays.  This recognition is going irk blacks a good bit, and trigger some outrage.   My suggestion....just have one massive single federal holiday....allowing all the folks to be recognized.  Even 'idiots' should be recognized in some fashion.  

8.  This BS about Hillary Clinton being dragged in to replace Harris on the Biden ticket?  I think the idea came from Doctor Jill, and she's reached the stage of believing that Joe/Kam can't win....but Joe/Hillary could.  

9.  TDS (Trump Delusionary Syndrome) now a problem?  Fair number of people now believe that they will be personally persecuted (like Jesus)...then sent off to some imaginary camp.  It's to the level that I think at least 10,000 people imagine this.

10.  'Cockpit' has gotten onto a list of 'bad-words', and likely to be non-existent within a decade.  No idea what would replace it (I'd suggest a vaginapit).  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

I eliminate the middle-man...
* Curry-Injins.
* Casino-Injins.
(If you are a 'Curry' type, but you enjoy a good afternoon on the slots, we might need to explore adding additional categories.)
I've a request to our Hard-Working Language Correctors And Improvors [stands!, salutes!].
Merely in jest of course, how much longer can I use 'douche!' as a jocular jab at inattentive drivers?
(I've already taken steps to reduce it from the cumbersome-yet-superbly-accurate 'Douche-Bag!'.)
We're all on the same side here!)