Tuesday, 25 June 2024

How Joe Got Rich


I sat and contemplated this story.

Basically....Joe/Jill Bide used one single Delaware house....for refinancing 20 different times.

Original value of the house?  $350k.

What the loans added up to?  $4.2-million.

I've tried to make sense out of this.

The only way it makes sense?  

Each loan results in the house providing cash to the Bidens.....with the bank  holding the refinanced home.  Then some 'friend' steps in and pays cash for the mortgage deal from their pocket (not Joe/Jill's pocket), and the cash in Joe/Jill's pocket is thus gift-money and not really reported to IRS.

Legal?  Well....yeah, but most banks would say it's got an element of money-laundering attached....after you do this three or more times.

Did he report all  of this to the IRS?  I would imagine  yes.

My Three Thoughts On The Biden-Trump Debate

 Before we reach the debate:

1.  I think Russia will engage on their retribution gimmick (attacking some US target 12 to 24 hours prior to the debate.....with Biden backing out of the debate because of this event.

2.  If the debate does take place, I expect the CNN crew to be fairly biased but find that Trump is not really debating Biden.....he's going full-blast on CNN.  

3.  Biden has had seven continuous days of full up 'juicing'....so I'm curious if his body can handle a 8th day, and if the juicing wears off half-way through this debate.