Monday, 9 November 2020

The 1.8 Million Extra People

 This came up today, and it's a moment to ponder upon.

The organization....Judicial Watch....had gone out with a September 2020 study.  There's this odd factor....EIGHT states (353 counties) have 1.8 million more registered voters than actual eligible voting-age citizens.

The states?  Alaska, Colorado, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, New Jersey, Vermont, and Rhode Island.

So you could have walked into a particular Colorado county that has 16,000 eligible voting-age people, and find 16,700 people registered-up.  

A mess?  Well, it begs questions.

Maybe you've got Joe who is working in county-X, and one day....moves over to county-Y without saying much.  Then six months later, after hooking up with some gal...he moves to county-Z.  Is he still registered in the two previous counties?  Probably so.

What would really mess up this discover that 1.8 EXTRA people did vote in the EIGHT states, and in most cases....double-voted....meaning there's around 1.8 votes just hanging out there.  

Worth a Senate investigation?  Well....what would these idiots discover?  You'd just open up a bigger mess.

Maybe these are all dead people still on the roosters?  I sat and thought over this.  Maybe Judicial Watch just didn't ask the right questions, and these are all dead folks.  But it's an odd question to toss out there....just after an election.  

Ten Bits of Advice

 Sometimes, I just go and dispense regular advice:

1.  Right now, the business community (Wall Street) is on a slightly upward trend.  The stability or lack of stability....has yet to occur.  Once people feel stability in question....they dump money out of their regular 401k program, and into bonds.  Presently, looking forward to 20 January....I'd go and review my 401k options, and move virtually all (say 95-percent or more) over to a bond-related situation.  I'd plan on this now, while your fund is still relatively good.  Bonds rarely make more than 1-to-2 percent a year, but you are simply parking it there for three months and will have a different strategy in February of 2021.

2.  There is this odd idea going on in NY City....that so many properties have been vacated and put up for sale...with their regular prices attached, and no one interested to buy them at those prices.  These analysts suggest that if an overwhelming number of properties in NY started to appear, and started to be cut by 10-to-20 percent....a lot of losses would occur, and it'd trigger real estate speculation to a significant degree.  This all leads to this idea of another 'bubble' (remember 2008) existing and this might lead to a major economic event in early 2021 (won't matter if Trump or Biden wins).  I would be very mindful of what's going on and analyze my situation....if I were buy, or selling property right now.  

3.  Christmas in a Covid period?  Personally, I don't see how Black Friday would work, or if the risks are worth it.  I'd probably go and use online services (except for Amazon).  

4.  Attending holiday events with relatives who might be charged-up politically?  With the current trends, and unknowns....this might be the year to skip such an event.  

5.  Cruise-ship trip trending downward, and camping trending upward?  I'd go ahead and suggest that for 2021 and 2022....a heck of lot of cruise-ships won't be operating.  Even with vaccinations occurring in the spring/summer of 2021....camping or RVing will continue for the foreseeable future.  Buying into RVs?  I probably wouldn't go and spend $70k on one, but these trailers designed for outback or rough camping (10 days or less) can be purchased for $30k to $40k.  They'd appear to be something that would easily last 15 years, and maybe camping in the wild or at some coastal National Park....might be a positive way to spend your off-time.

6.  If you live in a town that has created a magnet for the druggie crowd (soup-kitchen, shelter, etc) might need to replace your local city or county officials and lessen the prevent escalation of robberies or break-in's. 

7.  If you run or work in a full-service restaurant, the experts say that full recovery from the Covid-19 threat.....won't occur for a minimum of four years.  It might be time to look for new work.

8.  If you are a gal, or the husband of a gal....looking for a Christmas gift of a different variety (for her, or for yourself)....then maybe this is the season to visit your local ammo/gun shop.

Size wise, I would recommend 3 types in this case: (1) Sig P238, (2) Glock 26, (3) Sig P365.  

If you never have fired a pistol....ask the ammo/gun shop guy if he provides a course (most do)....then ask for a discount and be firm that you should get one.  I'd plan on at least a hundred rounds of ammo for the 1st time out on practicing, and do a return visit within three to four months.  

9.  Don't go expecting miracles with the new Covid-19 vaccine when it's finally delivered.  You just might have to be taking this twice a year.  

10.  As depressing as this holiday period might be (political chaos, Covid, etc)....maybe it's time to turn off the TV, and keep yourself away from news for 99-percent of the day.  Find some fine tunes (jazz, 1970s hits, hillbilly music, etc) or find three or four great classics to read once again.

On my classics to be read at least once in life: 1984 by George Orwell, Animal Farm by Orwell as well, Last of the Mohicans by Cooper, War of the Worlds by Wells, and White Fang by London. 

On historical non-fiction?  1898: Birth of the American Century by Traxel, The Man From the Train by James (note, he's laying out a massive serial killer story that probably happened but isn't necessarily tied together), True Believer by Hoffer, Drinking in America: Our Secret History by Cheever, Land of the Burnt Thigh by Kohl (a note on this book, it's a decent history of women in the pioneer period of North Dakota and fairly story-telling).  

Finally, if you can find a copy (maybe even e-book-wise) of Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America (written in 1835)'s a great book to pick up and reflect upon what made America different, and attracting people to leave Europe.  

The Next 72 Days

 After a fair amount of pondering....I will lay out what I think the next 72 days will be:

- Trump goes to openly challenge seven to ten states on a fraudulent election.  Various elements will be attached....each state with differing problems.  The case will hit the Supreme Court around the week following Thanksgiving week.  

- In this period leading up to the Supreme Court.....the federal marshal folks will come to Justice Roberts and lay out the threat to safety and security for the building and the Supreme Court.  They are openly admitting 20,000 pro-Biden folks in the mix, and maybe 10,000 pro-Trump people.  The threat even extends to their private residences.  

A call is made to the President, and several thousand National Guard folks are given orders to report to protect the court and their private homes.

- As opening day starts at the court, more than 50,000 protesters are in DC.  Several buildings are set on fire that night.

- The court rushes through the business in three days.  Then they go into 'hiding'.  A week passes and the court announces that in a minimum of five states....the election results are invalid.  The choice left....for those have a legislative meeting, and vote for the electors themselves (within the state), before 13 December.  

- Now, all hell breaks loose in the five states, with open threats made against the legislators themselves, their homes, and dozens of major riots are led by Antifa and BLM across the US.  

- At least two states refuse to make any decision, and in the end....the 270-number is not met at the Electoral College.

- From 13 December until 3 January....riots occur across the US.  Open-murders occur in cities like Minneapolis, DC, and Philly.  Tens of thousands of people are evacuating the inner cities of the US.

- House members who were supposed to arrive on 3 January to start the new session....are receiving death threats daily, and the police are unable to protect them or their homes. At the opening least fifty members refuse to show up.

- Threats now extend across both sides....right-wing types are sensing civil war underway and openly threatening democratic members now.

- House Speaker on day one of the 3 January gone by day seven.  Roving crowd of protesters are roaming DC at night....buying dozens of structures. An enormous number of Americans are fed up with the riots and looting.  

- As day 20 arrives, Trump's last day....there is still not a vote.  A temporary House Speaker (the 3rd person since 3 January) is appointed President.  Riots continue, with two dozen individuals shot dead in a 24-hour period, as the 20th arrives and the situation looks even more chaotic now.  

- The 20th will be deemed a national civil war by various journalists watching the episode.  CNN crews are chased by pro-Trump riot people.  Fox crews are chased by pro-Biden riot people.  

- By the evening of the 20th of January....a major attempt will be made by the Antifa/BLM crowd to cross the White House fence, and burn down the structure.  Trump (now out of office) has been relocated to another location. Biden, for least five days prior to the 20th.....has virtually disappeared and issues statements via a third party. 

- A lot of people are sitting there on the 20th of January, watching TV and in total disbelief at how quick society collapsed.  Gun and ammo sales ramp up.  The stock market drops 4,000 points in the five days leading up to the 20th.  Most all grocery stores in major US cities are ransacked in the days leading up to the 20th.  Freight companies refuse to deliver to sixteen major cities in America, with the food supply in cities like Chicago, Detroit, and Seattle in question.