Wednesday, 8 January 2025

The Unfair Advantages In Life

 Back in 1980, I took a community college class in logic-101.  It was taught by a visiting Italian professor, who went through 30-odd exercises per evening class....that mostly geared you to exercise your mind....determine pluses/minuses, and come to the rational best guess decision.  Oddly, at the end of the semester....there was simply a class meeting with no test.  We had to discuss rational decisions and how best guesses guided you in life.

Yeah, it probably was the best college class I ever took, and had value for  my entire life.

I've probably used logic at least forty times a day....for most of my life. It simply makes sense.

Unfair advantage?  I saw this story today and thought about this for an hour.  

Even if you talked over logical decisions and trying to resolve problems....I'd assume 50-perent of people are prone to be anti-logic, and have a mindset to always make a poor decisions.  

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