Saturday 16 September 2023

A Trust Issue


I saw this in the AM in the mass media...over the years.

Early 1970s....people  leaning over to be Republican....were 60 to 70 percent on trust.  By was down to 14 percent.

For independent folks by 2022?  27 percent.

It was in the middle of the 1st Bush term, that I felt the 'system' had gone south, and it was involving print-media (newspapers, Newsweak, Nat'l Geographic, etc).  Once you got to 2012 and social media was in full-swing.....that decline was being noted as well.

The Covid era?  It just ramped up.  Even if you were watching some regional news....the Channel 8 'squad' felt that the theme/brand was cranked-up to be fake.

I can't really watch the NBC Today-Show today....without feeling a element of mistrust.  CNN?  I have to mute things on a continual basis.  Trying to rea USA-Today?  I just want to pull out a red-marker and highlight BS commentary.  

I'm at the point of asking.....why would I spend 50-cents on some crappy newspaper?  Why would I waste thirty minutes watching some bogus local news that I need to mute on occasion.  

Dissolving of trust?  It's at a all-time level.  I would imagine the money-guys for the major networks are discussing the lack of viewers, and how salary levels can't escalate any longer (cuts have to come).  The day of CNN being sold to some Mexican media company?  I  kinda expect it to happen any day now.  

Extending to sports?  Well....yeah.  The NFL and NBA have done enough to trigger a decline in viewership.  Same development going on for MLB. 

Where things will be in 2030?  It's an  interesting thing to ask.

1 comment:

Bigus Macus said...

I remember Rush Limbaugh covering various issues covered by the media where he would record their statements and coverage on various issue. What you would end up with is the same scripted response almost verbatim from all the various news agencies and shows. This still carries on to this day. They have their talking points feed to them and they stick with them.